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Posted on: October 14, 2018 at 05:29:52 CT
drfrightner MU
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11.81 yrs
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This board is full of babies who cry when you point out a fact. For example people will say stars don't matter... stars do matter. For those who don't know anything about how stars are dished out I would suggest you not make dumb comments.

They issue stars based on measurable like SPEED... football is a sport for top tier athletes. Baseball is a skill sport, golf is a skill sport, you don't have to be the best athlete to hit a baseball you need to develope a skill. Having speed in baseball helps but tell that to a guy like Babe Ruth.

With all that being said STARS have more to do with a players SPEED than almost anything else. There are a lot of 6'7 300 pound men running around but not many of those guys can move their feet and run fast. The big guys who can move their feet and run play in the NFL.

When I watched Mizzou get totally outclassed it comes down to SPEED... their WR just blow right past our guys like they're sitting still. Their defense lineman aren't bulldozing their way around our o-line they're running past them. Their Dbacks run stride for stride with our WR... our guys just can't get open theirs are wide open and running to the house untouched.

In football STARS MATTER because SPEED kills.

Barry can't recruit its just that simple. When Mizzou could compete they would always have a handful of really good players next level players to give us a chance. We just don't have that anymore.

We can't rush the passer (SPEED). Our DB can't stay with the WR (SPEED). Our OT can't stop their DE (SPEED).

They have 4 and 5 star players at every position. Those guys were evaluated at those star levels mainly for their speed for their position. We don't have any speed because we're full of 2 star and 3 star players.

Mizzou will NEVER win in the SEC with 2 and 3 star players... it's just not going to happen ever.

We need a new coach who can compete with other SEC schools for better players. Pinkel was the master of mixing the 3 star guy with the 4 and 5 star guys. Alabama is nothing but 4/5 but we need to be at least 3/4.

Right now under Barry we're more like 2/3. That just isn't going to cut it.

Sorry rant all you want but STARS MATTER! Just getting bodies isn't going to do it if you can't go out there and compete for the Beckem Green type of players you just can't win. Say what you want about DBG but when he played at Mizzou he basically did whatever he wanted on the field... he was just that good.

You need a couple of those guys to mix in with the 3 star players to play in the SEC. Under Barry we couldn't even DREAM of getting a player like that. Even when we didn't get EZE Pinkel made it really hard for him to say no... yes he still choose Ohio State but it was Mizzou and OS. All these guys now we can't even get a foot in the door.

Mizzou can win in the SEC we proved that but we need MISSOURI player to do it... if you can't get the best players in the state to play for you, I'm sorry you'll never win with Texas leftovers.

Barry has failed its time to pull the cord and move on.
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STARS MATTER - drfrightner MU - 10/14 05:29:52
     I think it be cool if we fired and hired coaches based - Nohawks MU - 10/14 09:58:48
     Fsu begs to differ - JayHoaxH8r MU - 10/14 08:55:21
     Good post...and you're right - rlfstl MU - 10/14 08:26:53
     RE: STARS MATTER - stevef MU - 10/14 07:18:28
     Do names matter? D. G. B. (nm) - tigersailor MU - 10/14 05:51:21

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