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problem is nobody currently here is better than Lock

Posted on: October 13, 2018 at 22:17:46 CT
Kazoo MU
Member For:
7.11 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
either that or our coaches are stupid. Maybe connor can be great from year one, but if he is, that says more about our recruiting.
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     Wait until the season is over before deciding anything - wu-tangtiger MU - 10/13 22:12:18
          I like your optimism - Kazoo MU - 10/13 22:13:16
     BO will get a 4th season if he reaches a bowl game. (nm) - myself MU - 10/13 22:10:48
          so 6-6 is progress when most expected 8 wins this year?(nm) - Kazoo MU - 10/13 22:12:23
               No, but it's tough to fire a coach who reaches a bowl game - myself MU - 10/13 22:13:30
          Then we can repeat this next year(nm) - Mormad MU - 10/13 22:12:05
               I would give him a shot with a different QB. Nm - BandG MU - 10/13 22:14:37
                    problem is nobody currently here is better than Lock - Kazoo MU - 10/13 22:17:46
                         True but Lock chokes against good competition and.. - BandG MU - 10/13 22:20:46
                    well, that's going to happen - Mormad MU - 10/13 22:15:17
                         I know. We will find out next year if Bo stays or goes. Nm - BandG MU - 10/13 22:17:26
     move on - ADelpiero10 MU - 10/13 22:09:13

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