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The great failure yesterday was coaching.

Posted on: October 7, 2018 at 16:04:18 CT
MizzouTigerz MU
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20.93 yrs
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You start out great with a 3 and out on D, and score a TD. Kick the ball out of the stinking EZ. Wasted momentum and confidence.

Then at various times during the game there was a failure to pause and regroup.

One of the worst things was hearing Odom say at the end of the 1st half that it was going to be close at the end. It came across as an expectation of failure, that we wouldn't put them away, in spite of dominating the 1st half.

That kind of talk never belongs on the tongue of the head coach, much less live on tv. That scared attitude, is, imo, what lost the game. Even more of a negative impact than the rain.
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The great failure yesterday was coaching. - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/7 16:04:18
     The halftime interview was very strange in general(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 10/7 21:10:41
          He should just send DD out for those interviews(nm) - tigersailor MU - 10/8 06:31:45
     RE: The great failure yesterday was coaching. - MUTGR MU - 10/7 17:43:57
     He was covering his a55 because of the stupid onside kick - tigertix MU - 10/7 16:56:59
     Barry isnt ready for bigtime, but IMO the Regents dont care - MU-TULSA MU - 10/7 16:25:21
          I disagree. Putting a lot of money in the program and - Diamond Dave MU - 10/7 16:38:06
               Our football revenue and alum checkbooks are not special - Maty Football KC - 10/7 16:47:43
                    I'm not talking about Harbaugh. There are quality coaches - Diamond Dave MU - 10/7 16:52:33
                         Like who? - Maty Football KC - 10/7 16:54:30
     Yeah, I took that as a comment... - molon labe MU - 10/7 16:17:18
     It was very strange to hear him make that prediction. - DrViagra MU - 10/7 16:08:21
          Is he point-shaving?(nm) - tigersailor MU - 10/7 17:01:36
     Well the reality going forward is this: - Diamond Dave MU - 10/7 16:07:05
          I think we showed against Georgia that we can hang with - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/7 16:12:01
               The problem however is that there seems to be no - Diamond Dave MU - 10/7 16:16:44
                    Not sure I can agree after winning at Purdue, staying in the - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/7 16:22:57
                         But it's gotten progressively worse since the Purdue game(nm) - Diamond Dave MU - 10/7 16:24:03
                              Only two games, and losses for very different reasons, imo. - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/7 16:26:37
                    The player dog pile that occurred when he was announced... - molon labe MU - 10/7 16:21:33
                         Dabo seems to do okay. - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/7 16:43:36
                              When you can recruit top 5 classes you can be a dud from - Diamond Dave MU - 10/7 16:44:36
                                   Again, those are distinct issues. I'm talking confidence, - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/7 16:50:30
                                        I agree with what you're saying. Bottom line is that 7-5 - Diamond Dave MU - 10/7 16:53:22
                                             I still think 8 or 9 wins is very possible this year. - MizzouTigerz MU - 10/7 17:04:21
                                                  crazy AF - Chris23 SEC - 10/7 17:36:37
                         Some here were annoyed by Kirby Smart's prancing around - Diamond Dave MU - 10/7 16:23:03

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