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I think you meant Petro OWNED Finebaum

Posted on: September 25, 2018 at 17:21:41 CT
MajorLeagueMissouri KC
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Petro shared his logic clearly and repeatedly-- not that I necessarily agree with him -- but Paul couldn't do anything but whine: "Why isn't Alabama No. 1 on your poll like everyone else's???"

I watched Finebaum's show a few times when we first joined the SEC, and it seemed to me then that his show was just an Alabama goober love fest. After hearing Finebaum's defensiveness and blind support for Bama in this one-sided debate with Petro, it's now clear to me that Paul truly is just an Alabama shill.

I love being in the SEC, but Finebaum and his boring callers are probably the worst thing about our realignment.
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soren pedo owned by finebaum today - Kazoo MU - 9/24 18:12:34
     I think you meant Petro OWNED Finebaum - MajorLeagueMissouri MU - 9/25 17:21:41
          ::: Video I just watched it and Finebaum "won" the - BigTime SEMO - 9/25 22:22:34
     Why would you call him a pedo? - mizzoumurfkc KC - 9/24 19:29:33
          I know Soren, he is no way a beaker, so please.don't use - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/25 07:37:22
               Sorry, meant for Kazoo - Mizzou Lou KC - 9/25 07:38:02
     "Alabama has to prove it on the field" - Kazoo MU - 9/24 18:52:32
     What exactly do you mean by sjw’ish?(nm) - miz_zou MU - 9/24 18:17:06
          I think he means jesus-like (nm) - Yt_Haitian_Tiger MU - 9/24 19:10:55
          Some people like to be angry for angers sake(nm) - escalade NWMSU - 9/24 18:37:23

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