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Think about your statement

Posted on: August 11, 2018 at 15:13:33 CT
TheShoe STL
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19.66 yrs
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What does that advertisement have to do with the republican party?

This level of garbage politics needs to stop.
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Ad should run nonstop until 2020 - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/11 14:16:23
     Think about your statement - TheShoe STL - 8/11 15:13:33
          Your people are out of control (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 8/11 15:40:40
               Your people are having white supremacist marches - TheShoe STL - 8/11 16:31:28
          The best way to stop the level of garbage is to vote out... - DoltfromSTL MU - 8/11 15:22:40
               I think we both know that's not going to happen(nm) - TheShoe STL - 8/11 15:29:20
               Kick some person harassing folks in a restaurant so hard - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/11 15:28:12
               The fist in the air while Mad Maxine is spewing her vitriol - DoltfromSTL MU - 8/11 15:25:05
          Oh are you above it all now ? LMAO - Uncle Fester USMC - 8/11 15:17:32
          Is there really anything wrong with contrasting yourself - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 8/11 15:16:39
               Is that what that commercial is doing? - TheShoe STL - 8/11 15:25:27
                    Maxine Waters is stirring vocal, physical confrontation - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 8/11 15:32:13
                         And trump isn't? - TheShoe STL - 8/11 15:48:03
                              That isn’t the discussion - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 8/11 15:50:01
                                   You made it the discussion - TheShoe STL - 8/11 16:32:49
                                        The discussion is whether using your opponent’s words and - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 8/11 16:37:45
                                             the people people depicted in that commercial - TheShoe STL - 8/11 16:42:42
     Yes, bad people hate Trump and America. nm. - MUTGR MU - 8/11 15:04:40
     Poor White Conservatives being picked on again - raskolnikov MU - 8/11 14:33:17
          The Left being Xposed for the Violent Radical Scum they are - Uncle Fester USMC - 8/11 14:58:44
               As well as being empty, hypocritical apologists - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 8/11 15:00:08
                    Very empty, Very shallow and completely devoid of any - Uncle Fester USMC - 8/11 15:15:04
          Nice to see some empathy for poor whites. (nm) - GA Tiger MU - 8/11 14:51:51
          why do you make everything about race? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 8/11 14:51:20
          And your pathetic disingenuous claims of being - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 8/11 14:50:22
          the intolerant left is being exposed - Spanky KU - 8/11 14:40:50
     Not only is there already enough material, but - MIZ45 MU - 8/11 14:18:31

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