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This board has become silas' personal toilet. He is a human

Posted on: February 22, 2018 at 16:46:14 CT
hokie VT
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8.63 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
confetti machine, spreading bits and pieces of nothing and cluttering up the board, pushing decent threads down so we have to step over his unvetted, non linked, irresponsible drivel in order to participate in a thread that thanx to silas, has moved beyond top screen.

He has built a toilet and i do not understand why so many of you choose to swim in it.

He has fallen to irrelevance to me and now occupies the same nether regions as the pickle. Posts and opinions to be ignored, not indulged.
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This board has become silas' personal toilet. He is a human - hokie VT - 2/22 16:46:14
     You aren't required to post here - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/22 17:18:39
     it's pretty easy to skip his threads, but - SwampTiger MU - 2/22 16:58:14
          He reaches new heights in irony almost daily (nm) - pickle MU - 2/22 17:01:17
               Agreed (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 2/22 17:21:36
     Ain't seen much of me lately.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 2/22 16:48:15
          Hopefully Silas runs off all the tin foil hat club(nm) - playhard NWMSU - 2/22 16:51:03
          This board was great before Silas. - Role Call MU - 2/22 17:00:58
          I do. But he starts threads and too many here, imo, treat - hokie VT - 2/22 16:53:37
               You poor delicate flower (nm) - pickle MU - 2/22 16:54:55

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