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I beleive the presidency influences the market in this way

Posted on: January 26, 2018 at 14:58:23 CT
4TigersinMichigan MU
Member For:
22.12 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
If businesses believe there will be less regulation, less taxes and a greater opportunity to expand and grow and increase profits, the market benefits. If business believe the presidency will push for more restrictive regulation and greater taxes and costs to do business, they will not be nearly as aggressive.

We are seeing a market responding to a great belief this administration is going to lessen barriers to success.
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     And my son-in-law, who IS a rocket scientist (by degree) - GA Tiger MU - 1/26 15:11:51
     house of cards (nm) - pickle MU - 1/26 14:54:00
          #EliminateTheState (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 14:55:42
               the Fed (nm) - pickle MU - 1/26 14:59:41
                    why stop there? (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 15:00:45
     Thanks - catbirdseat MU - 1/26 14:46:14
     It was simply Obama's... - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 1/26 14:43:28
     Does Trump get credit for the run up in cryptocurrency - ummmm MU - 1/26 14:37:52
          No, but those damn miners drove up the cost of computer - TigerMatt MU - 1/26 14:57:54
               Hopefully it will ramp up production and innovation & - JeffB MU - 1/26 17:56:55
          A president gets credit or blame for either establishing - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:48:42
               Are cryptocurrencies in a bubble? (nm) - ummmm MU - 1/26 14:50:40
                    I am not an expert in them - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:51:38
                         Alright. (nm) - ummmm MU - 1/26 14:52:22
                              giving trump credit for market gains is a bit, to me, like - 90Tiger MU - 1/26 14:55:29
                                   I beleive the presidency influences the market in this way - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:58:23
                                        i can't argue that - there is no other fiscal policy I can s - 90Tiger MU - 1/26 14:59:15
                                             Strong corporate profits. US businesses doing well overseas. - TigerMatt MU - 1/26 15:05:37
                                                  Corporate profits haven't increased in any manner what - 90Tiger MU - 1/26 15:08:15
          what does his post have to do with giving trump credit? - 90Tiger MU - 1/26 14:41:29
               I know his positions on the issue from other posts on - ummmm MU - 1/26 14:43:33
                    Yes, it has gone up 44% since he was elected - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:46:26
                         Okay, how about this question: - ummmm MU - 1/26 14:47:04
                    lol, yeah, ok. you would be more credible if you had just - 90Tiger MU - 1/26 14:44:18
     It's wonderful the 2009 bull market continues (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 14:37:03
          Something sure accelerated it - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:39:00
               definitely has accelerated, and Trump deserves credit - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 14:43:48
                    It's gone up 7,000 points since his election - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:44:49
                         Yes, you said that (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 14:45:48
                              Yes - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:47:13
                                   The 2000 was just the time period bob incorrectly - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 14:49:27
          The market was dead the last 2 years of magic negro - Coors4bob MU - 1/26 14:38:23
               #FakeNews. Dow was at 17672 on January 23, 2015 - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 14:42:32
                    And its up by over 7,000 point since Trump's election - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:43:44
                         indeed. It's fantastic for those of us who have stocks (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 14:44:31
                              Also good for endowments funds and retirement funds - tman KC - 1/26 14:54:17
                                   That's true, I agree - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 14:55:26
                                        Which is what 50 percent?(nm) - tman KC - 1/26 14:56:47
                                             That's the number I've heard (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 14:57:36
                              lol, nice shift there hoss (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 1/26 14:53:03
                                   what shift? (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 14:54:20
                                        from arguing the change in the market to whom it - 90Tiger MU - 1/26 15:00:04
                                             Who's arguing the change in the market? - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/26 15:02:15
                                                  You. You inaccurately drew a comparison between - 90Tiger MU - 1/26 15:06:59
     I remember hearing the exact opposite - kcnorthside MU - 1/26 14:36:14
          Krugman (the total idiot) was just one - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:37:58
               And papers still carry his useless column. Even Atl.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 1/26 15:14:54
               He has made some very idiotic calls, including his moronic - JeffB MU - 1/26 14:46:52
     Link? - JG A - 1/26 14:33:15
          RE: Link? - dangertim MU - 1/26 15:01:42
          lmao2: electric boogaloo - dangertim MU - 1/26 14:51:46
          Apparently so was yours LOL - TIGERROAR MU - 1/26 14:50:22
               Its not anything I would have paid much attention to - JG A - 1/26 14:52:04
                    Is that a guarantee? - TIGERROAR MU - 1/26 14:55:48
                         I've never made any guarantees that I was wrong about - JG A - 1/26 14:59:55
                              you need an audit - TIGERROAR MU - 1/26 15:01:21
                                   Still wouldn't create any guarantees that I was wrong about - JG A - 1/26 15:04:24
                                        It might help jog your memory - TIGERROAR MU - 1/26 15:06:41
                                             Countless meaning - JG A - 1/26 15:08:05
          lmao - dangertim MU - 1/26 14:49:45
          RE: Link? - dangertim MU - 1/26 14:46:48
               So the market is never going to crash again? - JG A - 1/26 14:50:13
                    that wasn't the question(nm) - dangertim MU - 1/26 14:52:08
                         he said it will crash eventually - JG A - 1/26 14:52:53
          RE: Link? - dangertim MU - 1/26 14:46:11
          RE: Link? - dangertim MU - 1/26 14:43:04
          RE: Link? - dangertim MU - 1/26 14:41:50
          RE: Link? - Spanky KU - 1/26 14:37:23
               My goodness - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:40:48
                    He is dumber than a box of rocks - Spanky KU - 1/26 14:43:45
                         That really isn't fair to entire boxes of rocks - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/26 14:50:15
                         I merely axed a question - JG A - 1/26 14:47:06
                              Sort of like when I asked you for a link in a thread below - Spanky KU - 1/26 14:52:48
                                   I know you can't honestly answer a question - JG A - 1/26 14:55:46
                                        Yes. You generally fail - Spanky KU - 1/26 14:57:31
                                             BAM as I say, as you prove - JG A - 1/26 15:00:25
                                                  WTF does that mean George - Spanky KU - 1/26 15:14:49
                                                       BAM again - JG A - 1/26 15:29:55
                                                            Is BAM the sound your head makes when you fall down - Spanky KU - 1/26 16:05:48
                                                                 Repeated doesn't mean never happened - JG A - 1/26 17:09:49
                                                       He's been harder on Democrats than anyone - TIGERROAR MU - 1/26 15:24:44
                                                            soooooo easy- for me - JG A - 1/26 15:30:48
          Unfortunately, bubbles often act that way. Just sayin'. (nm) - JeffB MU - 1/26 14:35:10
          its on an incredible runs you hershy squirt nm - yy4u MU - 1/26 14:34:50
               Therein lies the danger - JG A - 1/26 14:44:17

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