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sure it does if you werent so damn stupid. You probably

Posted on: January 23, 2018 at 16:34:48 CT
hefeweizen MU
Member For:
9.16 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
dont know that one of the agents interviewed Flynn before Mueller was appointed and guess what, texts during that time are missing.
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     It aint Gowdy Doody time...and - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/23 15:51:14
          Bwahahahahah !!! - Uncle Fester USMC - 1/23 15:54:38
          Do you think the "missing" texts are just a coincidence?(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 15:52:06
               I have no idea - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/23 16:05:41
                    No clue. They most likely show a bias in the FBI and - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 16:11:41
               Yes and the erased IRS backup tapes and - TIGERROAR MU - 1/23 15:54:11
     LOL LIAR! DELUSIONAL! DELUSIONAL LIAR!! LOL - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 1/23 15:49:58
     RELEASE THE MEME. - JG MU - 1/23 15:34:50
          What part of 'FBI Agents attempt to block Trump - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 1/23 15:49:29
               Since the" FBI " - JG MU - 1/23 15:55:10
                    I gave you an answer, twice(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 16:01:31
                         You may have to answer a third time and possibly a fourth - TIGERROAR MU - 1/23 16:14:32
                              He hasn't answered the question even once - JG MU - 1/23 16:17:43
                                   Here is your question - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 16:20:36
                                        It doesn't answer my question - JG MU - 1/23 16:32:57
                                             sure it does if you werent so damn stupid. You probably - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 16:34:48
                                                  Not being as dense as you, I know what - JG MU - 1/23 16:49:58
                         Not really but thanks for trying? - JG MU - 1/23 16:13:52
                              sure I did. I answered both of your questions - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 16:15:32
                                   Where? not in the post you posted - JG MU - 1/23 16:16:55
                                        Restate your question just so I am clear on which one - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 16:18:21
                                             RE: Restate your question just so I am clear on which one - JG MU - 1/23 16:20:28
                                                  answered again above(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 16:26:59
                                                       WHERE? - JG MU - 1/23 16:27:41
                                                            jeezus dude, you have real issues - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 16:32:32
                                                                 That doesn't answer my question - JG MU - 1/23 16:33:38
                                                                      It directly answers your first question and explains the - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 16:35:51
                                                                           No on all counts - JG MU - 1/23 17:25:07
                                        LOL - TIGERROAR MU - 1/23 16:17:42
                                             Well I don't understand stupid like you do - JG MU - 1/23 16:18:15
               His hatred for Trump blinds him from reality - TIGERROAR MU - 1/23 15:51:11
                    LOL can't make up the irony - JG MU - 1/23 15:55:42
                         Why the Hell not ? You seem to make up everything else - Uncle Fester USMC - 1/23 15:59:41
               He probably thinks Obama couldn't do this - MUGuy2004 STL - 1/23 15:51:00
                    LOL wut? - JG MU - 1/23 15:56:01
          More like scared sh#tless LOL - Uncle Fester USMC - 1/23 15:47:11
               LOL Festeriny - JG MU - 1/23 15:48:02
          Worried, huh? (nm) - MUGuy2004 STL - 1/23 15:44:11
          RE: RELEASE THE MEME. - scan MU - 1/23 15:38:30
               My brain works correctly - JG MU - 1/23 15:47:30
               Aren't you basically in reverse of that?(nm) - Toger STL - 1/23 15:41:34
                    RE: Aren't you basically in reverse of that?(nm) - scan MU - 1/23 15:41:59
                         I apologize if you don't believe there is an - Toger STL - 1/23 15:43:17
                              RE: I apologize if you don't believe there is an - scan MU - 1/23 15:44:27
                                   You created a test for JG with two separate scenarios. - Toger STL - 1/23 15:51:34
                                        RE: You created a test for JG with two separate scenarios. - scan MU - 1/23 15:58:43
                                             Not literally hundreds - JG MU - 1/23 16:15:58
               That's the problem - TIGERROAR MU - 1/23 15:41:20
          RE: RELEASE THE MEME. - MOCO SON MU - 1/23 15:35:15
               It doesn't really matter - JG MU - 1/23 15:36:15
     did the text warn of Admiral Hirohito?(nm) - Iam4Mizzou MU - 1/23 15:34:14

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