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It is apparenty SOP to save for the reasons I stated

Posted on: January 23, 2018 at 15:46:01 CT
hefeweizen MU
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9.17 yrs
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above. If there were missing texts during 9-11 you'd have a totally different tack on this of course.
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     So NO ONE can answer the question - JG A - 1/23 15:21:46
          It is apparenty SOP to save for the reasons I stated - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 15:46:01
               Where is this stated above post? - JG A - 1/23 16:22:30
               Did they have anything to do with the actual investigation - JG A - 1/23 15:59:02
                    what investigation? Mueller's? Why would they since - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 16:02:32
                         so what about them that should have been saved? - JG A - 1/23 16:23:14
     Quit your dishonest and lying ways - MIZZOUowns SEC - 1/23 15:15:38
     Well, if you or I allegedly committed a crime they'd be all - Evenflow MU - 1/23 14:52:22
          What crime did they commit?(nm) - Toger STL - 1/23 14:55:12
               isn't that - 90Tiger MU - 1/23 15:03:45
                    Kind of the question you sang and danced to - JG A - 1/23 15:22:35
               I bet the crimes they're trying to cover up is a freaking - Evenflow MU - 1/23 15:00:03
                    Clearly - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/23 15:01:07
          your response does not answer the request - JG A - 1/23 14:53:45
     #ReleaseTheStuff (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/23 14:51:47
     Wait. I thought we ALL sang and danced.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 1/23 14:50:47
          Baptists don't dance - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/23 15:00:55
          pert near - JG A - 1/23 14:53:00
     Oh, so you trust the FBI now? lol(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 14:48:30
          I'm having a hard time keeping up. - dangertim MU - 1/23 14:57:47
               I merely asked a question but yes you do have - JG A - 1/23 15:17:42
               LOL, BLAM! - MIZZOUowns SEC - 1/23 15:17:10
               that's because JG lacks principles and self-awareness (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 1/23 15:04:23
               yeah, that JG is a funny guy(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 14:58:41
                    for being an independent conservative, I'm seeing a - dangertim MU - 1/23 15:02:53
                         bingo (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 1/23 15:04:42
                              LOL you are a delusional liar - JG A - 1/23 15:20:18
                                   as i predicted, right on cue - 90Tiger MU - 1/23 15:23:03
                                        Anyone could have predicted you would lie - JG A - 1/23 15:24:44
          False conclusion based on dishonesty and stupidity - JG A - 1/23 14:51:54
               hahaha, and he folds ladies and gentlemen(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 14:53:03
                    OK mostly due to stupidity - JG A - 1/23 14:54:08
          can you imagine if the FBI lost texts related to something - 90Tiger MU - 1/23 14:50:35
               Can you imagine you actually answering a question - JG A - 1/23 14:52:39
                    why? you'll dismiss any responses you don't like as singing - 90Tiger MU - 1/23 15:03:13
                         Yes I dismiss singing and dancing "answers" - JG A - 1/23 15:18:56
               we saw the daily meltdown during the W Presidency - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 1/23 14:52:02
               can you imagine if it was 9-11 related? wait(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 14:51:25
                    I would have the same response - JG A - 1/23 14:55:58
                         and your precious Bundy case(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/23 14:57:52
                              That seemed to be a prosecuter fubar - JG A - 1/23 15:16:51
     Probably showed that clintons - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/23 14:47:42
          yeah, any theory contrary to your beliefs is absurd. go - 90Tiger MU - 1/23 15:02:44
               90iq-iny - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/23 15:03:43
                    you're not even capable of developing your own signature - 90Tiger MU - 1/23 15:05:37
                         A new hammer isn't needed to smash - JG A - 1/23 15:23:21

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