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And I should clarify

Posted on: December 16, 2017 at 19:51:55 CT
TheShoe STL
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19.58 yrs
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I don't think that of all conservatives or republicans. I do think that of many of the ones here. Most of you lack empathy of any kind for anyone and yeah the racist overtones that are constantly present are hard to ignore.
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     You're an idiot, and ignorant of everything (nm) - pickle MU - 12/17 09:51:00
     50+ years into the Great Society welfare state and there - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 12/17 05:09:26
     Then give to charity and stop supporting gov't theft.(nm) - TigerMatt MU - 12/16 22:35:22
     Ignoramus!!(nm) - Butcher of Bakersfield STL - 12/16 21:59:28
     Then you are welcome to give away as much of your money as - DHighlander NWMSU - 12/16 21:25:48
     Rask - tell me right now what causes "wealth inequality" - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:19:46
     Government programs not the solution - johncoffey MU - 12/16 20:17:06
     There will be plenty of revenue to pay for things NEEDED - 615Tiger STL - 12/16 20:15:29
     Come down off thy cross(nm) - MUGuy2004 STL - 12/16 19:48:13
     We have inequality of outcome - El-ahrairah BAMA - 12/16 19:20:58
     The problem is that your money is not only going to - hokie VT - 12/16 19:18:38
          Good post. Ras will ignore it.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 12/16 20:21:19
          You guys are kind of hard hearted - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:24:45
               Tell me, how many checks you sent to a charity this year? - GA Tiger MU - 12/16 20:22:01
               I speak with my tax check, not with how loudly - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:20:37
               Hard hearted? No. It has been shown - tman KC - 12/16 19:28:13
                    I doubt many of you guys here give to charity or church - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:31:58
                         I would be interested in how you define disdain and what - hokie VT - 12/16 19:38:02
                              This pretty much proves my point(nm) - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:46:40
                                   How does it prove your point, and what is your point? I - hokie VT - 12/16 19:54:30
                                        You don't want a discussion - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:55:49
                                             ^^^ The perfect example of today's demlib. Vapid, - GA Tiger MU - 12/16 20:53:31
                                             All you want to do is pretend you're on some high horse - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:21:59
                                                  He ran away from the discussion(nm) - tman KC - 12/16 20:28:02
                                             Buck buck buck.... nm - hokie VT - 12/16 19:56:45
                                   And I should clarify - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:51:55
                              You will be waiting longer for a responsive answer - tman KC - 12/16 19:43:20
                         I both volunteer and give - tman KC - 12/16 19:35:56
                              Not really - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:45:34
                                   Yes really(nm) - tman KC - 12/16 19:52:05
                                        When someone takes the time to give you information - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:53:41
                                             I did. Would you rather I just - tman KC - 12/16 19:56:43
                                                  Here. From the mouth of a liberal - tman KC - 12/16 20:00:58
                                                  go for it(nm) - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:58:06
                                                       Another one, albeit dated - tman KC - 12/16 20:10:43
                                                       Just did partner(nm) - tman KC - 12/16 20:01:26
                              Libs care. That exempts them from any significant action.nm - hokie VT - 12/16 19:38:49
                                   You guys think an awful lot about yourselves(nm) - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:48:58
                                        no, you hurl baseless generalized accusations based on your - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:23:09
                                        The only money libs give is other people's money(nm) - tman KC - 12/16 19:52:49
                                             It's like the paris climate accords. The entire planet with - hokie VT - 12/16 20:03:10
                                                  The Shoe can't stay with an arguement - tman KC - 12/16 20:05:59
                                             The entire conservative wing of my family - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:54:59
                                                  they aren't conservatives, shoe. Just like you and many - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:24:04
                                                  Why are you not helping them - tman KC - 12/16 19:57:36
                                                       We do - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:59:26
                                                            Then you aren't doing enough - tman KC - 12/16 20:04:19
     So with 51% you can take others property? - Coors4bob MU - 12/16 19:11:45
          If you do decide to start shooting people - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:17:52
     Here is THE serious question. How do - GA Tiger MU - 12/16 19:09:04
          There's no singular solution - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:15:48
               unions aren't labor friendly to those unskilled or for - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:26:15
     Yes, failure is a great motivator. - Coors4bob MU - 12/16 19:08:08
          unless you're a little kid - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:10:17
               Charity is for those cases. Not government. - Coors4bob MU - 12/16 19:12:55
                    Charity care is a fraction of what is needed - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:16:59
                         Govt takes the vast majority of what would go to charity - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:26:48
                         Well, yeah, their competitor takes the lion's share of - ummmm MU - 12/16 19:28:38
     You might have framed this wrong - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:05:37
          Why does "single" payer have to occur at the federal level? - ummmm MU - 12/16 19:24:52
               population and wealth distribution(nm) - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:29:00
                    What does that mean? - ummmm MU - 12/16 19:30:28
                         You should look at the givers and takers - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:33:44
                              Why won't you answer my questions? - ummmm MU - 12/16 19:37:57
                                   what am I deflecting?(nm) - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:48:23
                                        Why does "single" payer have to occur at the federal level?(nm) - ummmm MU - 12/16 19:52:16
                                             Because folks in the south - TheShoe STL - 12/16 19:57:29
                                                  oh, snap, you spoke to someone who ACTUALLY KNOWS - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:28:07
                                                  So, you want federal "single" payer because you are - ummmm MU - 12/16 20:04:21
     Most people do give to charities in this country... - Logan BAMA - 12/16 18:56:45
          Your money goes goes to the defense industry friend - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 19:00:46
               is $1Trillion a year enough, comrade? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:28:45
               Government's job is to protect it's people...not - Logan BAMA - 12/16 19:08:59
               And you sleep pretty well because of it. - Coors4bob MU - 12/16 19:08:35
               We spend $1T a year on welfare - Ferg STL - 12/16 19:06:28
               Wow. Lib logic at work here - tman KC - 12/16 19:02:36
     Raskolnikov: "I am for the little guy, that's why I think - ummmm MU - 12/16 18:54:24
          I didn't say that, did I?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 18:55:42
               Yes, it's exactly what you implied (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:29:24
               You did not say that exact quote. - ummmm MU - 12/16 18:58:34
                    I didn't say it at all(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 19:01:38
                         Again, you did not say the exact quote. - ummmm MU - 12/16 19:03:14
                              And they are more efficient at the task then local charities - tman KC - 12/16 19:05:44
          OK - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 18:58:26
               RE: OK - MUTGR MU - 12/16 19:26:45
     Move to Venezuela if you like socialism (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 12/16 18:49:56
          You can't answer the question ? - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 18:51:45
               what is "social darwinism", rask? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:30:38
     I wouldn’t want to live in a country with even more gross - Cubicle Clown USA - 12/16 18:45:34
          RE: I wouldn’t want to live in a country with even more gross - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 18:50:03
     You could find a better way to help people out - Sal KC - 12/16 18:42:16
          Private charities - GMT MU - 12/16 18:58:46
               That is a true statement(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 19:02:47
                    Yes. Depends on the charity. When it goes to government - tman KC - 12/16 19:10:32
          It is not even close - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 18:54:49
               And as the govt has spent more an more on the war on poverty - Uncle Fester USMC - 12/16 18:57:23
                    RE: And as the govt has spent more an more on the war on poverty - GMT MU - 12/16 19:01:40
          Yeah, Go throw a C-Note or two in the Salvation Army kettle - Uncle Fester USMC - 12/16 18:44:57
          Answer to your question - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 18:43:03
               WHERE'S YOUR DATA, PUNK?? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 12/16 20:31:38
               It's more efficient to send a bunch of money to DC - ummmm MU - 12/16 18:45:39
                    RE: It's more efficient to send a bunch of money to DC - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 18:46:43
                         You are an absolute Moron - Uncle Fester USMC - 12/16 18:51:32
                         Why not centralize even more and send it to a world govt - ummmm MU - 12/16 18:48:13
               Do you have any data to back that up? (nm) - Sal KC - 12/16 18:44:41
                    You start backing up your claims that I am dishonest - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 18:46:08
                         You also claimed to have always had insurance - tman KC - 12/16 18:55:13
                              He also likes going out for beers - Uncle Fester USMC - 12/16 19:01:12
                                   Non alcoholic beers I am sure(nm) - tman KC - 12/16 19:03:18
                              Knees are expensive - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 18:56:40
                                   It is you lie I am picking on. I have always had insurance - tman KC - 12/16 19:01:06
                                        RE: It is you lie I am picking on. I have always had insurance - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 19:05:03
                                             Except ypu posted the story on here and stated that - tman KC - 12/16 19:09:19
                         For one, you claim you don't watch T.V. - Sal KC - 12/16 18:50:44
                         So, no. (nm) - ummmm MU - 12/16 18:46:57
               Did you just say government is more “efficient”? - Cubicle Clown USA - 12/16 18:43:58
     I strive to empower people and give them a hand up - Uncle Fester USMC - 12/16 18:40:38
          RE: I strive to empower people and give them a hand up - raskolnikov MU - 12/16 18:44:44
               Well if you think high taxes is an efficient way to git it - Uncle Fester USMC - 12/16 18:48:09

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