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Win now. We need Hunt to do that.

Posted on: September 24, 2017 at 22:03:44 CT
cooter MU
Member For:
21.25 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
He is special. No way I'm trading him for anyone.
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would you trade Mahomes and Hunt for Carr? - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/24 21:57:49
     Before the season, yes. Right now, no. After the - mizzou541 MU - 9/25 08:19:45
     For this season -no - tigerdb MU - 9/25 08:14:20
          I still don't see how he has been crowned a franchise QB - cooter KC - 9/25 08:44:31
               Imo, he's going to be a top 5-6 type qb for the next 7-8 yea - tigerdb MU - 9/25 10:02:52
     what are you smoking? (nm) - cooter KC - 9/24 22:00:58
          explain - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/24 22:02:07
               Carr is an injury waiting to happen.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 9/25 07:45:57
               And Marino was a top 5 QB for what, 15 years? - cooter KC - 9/24 22:05:09
                    he got them to a Super Bowl - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/24 22:07:28
               Win now. We need Hunt to do that. - cooter KC - 9/24 22:03:44
               Are you watching this game? - GODZILLA MU - 9/24 22:03:36
                    yes, but unlike many here - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/24 22:05:00
                         Oakland has 71 yards of offense - cooter KC - 9/24 22:07:49
                              well, the guy that always wants to wait to see how things - Ron Swanson MU - 9/24 22:10:29
                              That has a 100 million + dollar - GODZILLA MU - 9/24 22:09:34
                              again - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/24 22:08:55
                                   Find me one example of a top 10 QB - cooter KC - 9/24 22:11:21
                                        here, bud - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/24 22:18:08
                                             so he is in his fourth year - cooter KC - 9/24 22:23:38
                                                  as did Brady, Roethlisberger, Wilson, Rivers & - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/24 22:25:10
                                                       Still don't want him. - cooter KC - 9/25 08:43:35
                                        Well, depending on whether you consider Eli Manning - cooter KC - 9/24 22:17:05

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