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The de facto comeback..

Posted on: September 23, 2017 at 13:27:24 CT
ivan drago MU
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10.91 yrs
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whenever racism is pointed out, call the person who brought it up a racist. You can also bring up "black on black crime" or chicago whenever an unarmed black person is killed by police.

Edited by ivan drago at 13:27:40 on 09/23/17
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Still not about race huh?? - ivan drago MU - 9/23 12:27:31
     The same ones calling Obama - mizzoumurfkc MU - 9/23 16:21:09
     Everything is about race. You guys wanted it that way - MUTGR MU - 9/23 13:48:18
          The de facto comeback.. - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:27:24
               Explain how Curry and Kaepernick are not white, please - Spanky KU - 9/23 14:59:54
               let's talk about the black on black crime. Don't you agree - tigerNkc MU - 9/23 13:32:59
                    It's a government problem, actually. - Evenflow MU - 9/23 13:37:21
                         do you deny the gov't put drugs in black neighborhoods?? - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:41:48
                              The War On Poverty + War On Drugs. - Evenflow MU - 9/23 13:47:12
                                   Have to toss the New Deal in there as well. - Evenflow MU - 9/23 13:48:14
                              They can put it in my hand and I still wouldn't do it. Why - bcoop199 KC - 9/23 13:46:45
                                   it is now that "opiods" are prevalent.. - ivan drago MU - 9/23 14:14:41
                    We do address it.. - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:37:05
                         I'd say the higher number of blacks killed by blacks trumps - tigerNkc MU - 9/23 13:42:08
                              no you're missing the point.. - ivan drago MU - 9/23 14:16:07
          never understood that. How was obama the first "black" - tigerNkc MU - 9/23 13:20:23
               ask the people that called him a "kenyan muslim" - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:21:17
                    I always toss "gay" in there as well. (nm) - Evenflow MU - 9/23 13:32:38
                    You mean like Hillary's staff?..nm - bcoop199 KC - 9/23 13:22:50
                         lol(nm) - tigerNkc MU - 9/23 13:31:28
     If these players want to make a statement - mizzouSECedes STL - 9/23 13:12:06
          And what is the statement? - El-ahrairah KC - 9/23 13:33:31
          Part of Trump's appeal is that unlike 99% of R's he doesn't - bcoop199 KC - 9/23 13:18:46
          No. That wasn't what i said.. - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:15:18
               "A black man taking the side of another black man" - mizzouSECedes STL - 9/23 13:23:39
                    Political correctness.. - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:29:13
                         The two aren't even remotely related - mizzouSECedes STL - 9/23 13:31:41
                              Ha ok sure.... - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:39:10
                    very different.. - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:25:12
                         All you guys see is a white man taking the side - mizzouSECedes STL - 9/23 13:29:48
                              Look at the other side.. - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:43:06
               He publicly many times got involved in cases before the - bcoop199 KC - 9/23 13:21:30
                    are you serious??? - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:23:42
                         "If I had a son he'd look like Trayvonn"...I'm sure he - bcoop199 KC - 9/23 13:32:07
                              what's wrong with that statement?? - ivan drago MU - 9/23 13:45:29
                                   I just told you, the facts of the case weren't known and he - bcoop199 KC - 9/23 13:49:36
                         ^^^^^BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Evenflow MU - 9/23 13:24:37
               Speaking of scared, bud. - Evenflow MU - 9/23 13:17:01
     Trump, as I said is racially divisive - JG A - 9/23 13:08:02
     Ivanna drago ^^^^^(nm) - glue MU - 9/23 13:01:17
     Yeah, he's so stupid he didn't even realize that - GA Tiger MU - 9/23 12:50:35
          Omarosa... - ivan drago MU - 9/23 12:56:59
     correct, not about race(nm) - tigerNkc MU - 9/23 12:44:31
          "very fine people", "on both sides".. - ivan drago MU - 9/23 12:50:58
               please expound on how he hasn't said enough about the - tigerNkc MU - 9/23 12:54:30
                    RE: please expound on how he hasn't said enough about the - ivan drago MU - 9/23 12:58:04
                         so silly. I could post all the videos of him decrying the - tigerNkc MU - 9/23 13:06:35
     it isn't about race - El-ahrairah KC - 9/23 12:32:34
          That actually has to do w his job... - ivan drago MU - 9/23 12:38:57
               it is black players. Where did he say that - tman KC - 9/23 12:40:52
                    It's all about race to the libtards(nm) - tigerNkc MU - 9/23 13:07:36
     RE: Still not about race huh?? - Tigrrrr! MU - 9/23 12:28:37

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