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The Kardashians can pretty much print money

Posted on: January 5, 2017 at 15:13:23 CT
Eggs MU
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25.42 yrs
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for doing nothing except having big asses and acting dramatic. People can't get enough of them, despite the fact they bring basically nothing tangible to the table in terms of talent.

Edited by Eggs at 15:13:38 on 01/05/17
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     that man will be in prison one day(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 1/5 15:42:11
     I can understand paying to go to Passion, - tigerinhogtown STL - 1/5 15:31:50
     RE: A couple of chicks I work with are very excited - FootballRefugee MU - 1/5 15:24:55
          Some genuine laugh out loud stuff on there(nm) - Eggs MU - 1/5 15:31:17
     that guy is about 40% lizard. - colonel angus beef KC - 1/5 15:24:13
     Wasn't there a Steve Martin movie about that? - Grasslands MU - 1/5 15:23:30
     no different that going to go see Kirk Cameron(nm) - Doc James USA - 1/5 15:18:42
          Mike Seaver has a lifetime pass(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 1/5 15:21:34
          agree DOC. That's one reason she is my ex wife. She - hefeweizen MU - 1/5 15:20:30
          Boner Stabone(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 1/5 15:19:28
     are they hot? (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 1/5 15:16:51
          Well done Forehead - Uncle Fester USMC - 1/5 15:19:52
          I wouldn't say hot, but neither are bad(nm) - Eggs MU - 1/5 15:17:47
               pics - TigerNuts KC - 1/5 15:21:35
     actual video... - tigerNkc KC - 1/5 15:14:06
          Great flick - Grasslands MU - 1/5 15:24:58
          The funny thing is thats actually pretty tame - colonel angus beef KC - 1/5 15:21:48
     Someone we both know went to Wichita to see Joyce Meyer(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/5 15:13:23
          Not familiar with her(nm) - Eggs MU - 1/5 15:20:12
               She's the female Joel Osteen from Festus, MO(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/5 15:21:39
                    Female Joe Osteens were invented in STL(nm) - Eggs MU - 1/5 15:23:05
                    And her body guard brutally murdered his whole family - TheWildcat STL - 1/5 15:22:55
          Does he post on tigerboard?(nm) - TheWildcat STL - 1/5 15:14:43
               perhaps(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/5 15:17:01
                    Probably a big Trump man and hated Gary Pinkel. - TheWildcat STL - 1/5 15:18:41
                         My ex dragged me to see Kirk Cameron in STL about - hefeweizen MU - 1/5 15:19:28
                              Kirk Cameron is the owner of the new STL NFL team(nm) - Gyro MU - 1/5 15:51:30
                              Did you guys watch fireproof together?(nm) - TheWildcat STL - 1/5 15:20:00
                                   probably. He was a real arrogant dbag. We fought all - hefeweizen MU - 1/5 15:21:04
                                        I thought that movie was hilarious. Really? Your husband - TheWildcat STL - 1/5 15:22:30
                                             His talk was just as ridiculous. Basically said if your - hefeweizen MU - 1/5 15:25:28
                                                  I probably would have walked out waving the bird(nm) - TheShoe STL - 1/5 15:38:45
     I like to think that he is Darryl Jenks' adopted white - lqf2b8 MU - 1/5 15:12:41
     jesus christ. There are some gullible people(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 1/5 15:12:37
     RE: A couple of chicks I work with are very excited - MU_gz MU - 1/5 15:12:13
     A preacher charging admission - TheShoe STL - 1/5 15:08:22
          reminds me of Big Dan Teague from O Brother(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 1/5 15:10:14
               I shouldn't be surprised by how stupid people can be - TheShoe STL - 1/5 15:11:42
                    No you shouldnt LOL - Uncle Fester USMC - 1/5 15:14:50
                    The Kardashians can pretty much print money - Eggs MU - 1/5 15:13:23
                         Well they're at least paying taxes on their fat annoying - Cosmo MU - 1/5 15:16:55
                         Famous for being famous and ****ing famous black dudes - hefeweizen MU - 1/5 15:14:11
     I bet they post his daily affirmations on FB(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/5 15:07:08
     I really need to start my own religion - Joeboo MU - 1/5 15:06:30
          Signed, Joseph Smith and L. Ron Hubbard(nm) - Grasslands MU - 1/5 15:24:07
          just exploit the religious - TigerwTLP MU - 1/5 15:08:17
          his earnings are NOT tax free, but I doubt HE buys anything - tigerinhogtown STL - 1/5 15:30:37
               His W2 probably shows about $40K in taxable earnings - Cosmo MU - 1/5 15:32:13
                    or less(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 1/5 15:32:40
          Any income he makes is tax exempt. Total BS (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 1/5 15:13:14
          Yes and the money going in is a tax writeoff. - colonel angus beef KC - 1/5 15:11:31
               I try to be reasonable when it comes to religion and - Cosmo MU - 1/5 15:16:03
                    Have you read up on Scientology? - kmawv8 MU - 1/5 15:24:30
                         Oh for sure, I just re-watched Going Clear a few weeks ago - Cosmo MU - 1/5 15:30:58
                         It is absolutely not the biggest scam - colonel angus beef KC - 1/5 15:30:28
                              I disagree. - kmawv8 MU - 1/5 15:50:14
                                   Millions have been tortured and killed - colonel angus beef KC - 1/5 16:03:38
                                        Scientology has tortured and killed people. - kmawv8 MU - 1/5 16:21:17
                                             so you agree. - colonel angus beef KC - 1/5 17:15:44
                    Exactly, using people's faith for money - Eggs MU - 1/5 15:17:05

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