And more of the Dore article that Figi forgot to link
Posted on: October 28, 2016 at 14:03:02 CT

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26.12 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
R: When you look at the current state of Missouri basketball, what’s the issue right now? What do you think it’s going to take for Missouri to get back to where it was during the Norm Stewart era?
D: Kim was my teammate and I think the world of the guy, but I think that there was a lack of discipline. I think that there were rules that probably weren’t quite as well enforced as they should have been and I think there were some people that were involved with the program that should not have been at the University of Missouri.
So I think that Kim had to use the last two years to clean up the “mess on aisle 12.” That cleanup is now done, and he’s able to finally start moving forward, I think that this year you’ll see the beginning of what’s going on, how much better they’re going to be in the future.
I’m very connected in the Chicago area, I was an AAU coach in Chicago for 12 or 13 years, and so I know these guys. I know the feeling before Kim took the job and I know the feeling about Missouri basketball since Kim has taken over, because I’ve talked to these guys, I still do the only state tournament on TV, and so hearing these AAU and high school coaches talk about the difference from the previous régime to now and how much they really want their kids to get exposed to Kim and his staff.
I know what’s coming and I understand what they’ve had to dig themselves out of, so I’m not concerned about the state of Missouri basketball. I don’t like the fact that they’re winning 10, 11, 12 games or whatever it is, but I know what he had to climb out of and what he had to clean up, was going to take some time.
I thought Ken Stallings said it really well last year when Vanderbilt came to Missouri. “This is a four or five-year process, if you just say at the end of three years ‘well you didn’t win 20 games, Kim, you’re out.’ That would be ridiculous based on what he had to start with, which was almost nothing.