Well that is the common mantra we hear
Posted on: October 19, 2016 at 20:35:37 CT
quicksand MU
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22.18 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Along with the simply accepted line that "all of the violations occurred under Frank Haith", which is simply not true. The most egregious of those cited by the NCAA actually occurred while Anderson was coach. Again, I dont place any blame on KA other than that he was our head coach and presumably should have taken interest into what our players were up to over the summer after he was hired. He either knew, or should have known, about the internship in Georgia. If not, he was at least somewhat negligent. I think what actually happened is that our compliance department told him everything was kosher, even when they apparently knew we were under investigation for precisely this violation which had yet to occur, and he was fine with that.
I have never seen any finding, or even allegation, that Haith, Fuller, KA or anyone told the booster to give money to anyone. It simply happened, which was a violation, and we decided to self-impose overblown and unusual penalties. The booster, himself, never said that happened. It is entirely possible all this falls on Fuller, but there was no finding or even suggestion that is true, other than actions we took against ourselves.