Morality is a completely subjective construct made up by
Posted on: October 13, 2016 at 11:53:35 CT
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21.01 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
each individual... for any atheist, no?
How could there be any objective "right" or "wrong" in a world with no God, no creator?
All things, all living things, all animals... including man, of course, are just random conglomerations of matter that happen to be in the current state by random chance, no?
All thought is just electrons flowing across synapses in the random collection of matter than forms a person's brain, no? Logically that all happens according to the "laws of nature" and there is no such thing as "free will".
How could random collections of atoms and molecules that act according to the laws of nature with no free will do something that is "moral" or "immoral". Would a rock that is pushed by the wind and rolls down a hill and smashes a house have been acting "immorally" for having done so?
Please explain.