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RE: I see BuckTurd called me out

Posted on: September 19, 2016 at 22:42:21 CT
BuckTurgidson KU
Member For:
12.64 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
'Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the most butthurt mizzou fan of all?'

"1 title in 3 decades ..."


"... isn't an elite program."

Well, DD, the whole point of 'calling you out' was showing you how the writer of the ESPN.com article, who covers the sport for a living, has such a totally different assessment of our 'elite' status. And he does, doesn't he?

Again, DD, I know that you're so butthurt over our program's far, far, far, far, FAR greater level of achievement that you would consent to be waterboarded and spend 10 years in a Turkish prison rather than give us our due. I get that. So I know YOU will never say we're an elite program. But you have to admit that EVERYONE (that doesn't wear black and gold and feels compelled to make a up a raft of the most ludicrous, preposterous, ridiculous excuses every time they lose to a KU team*) who follows the sport and covers it for a living, DOES. As I just showed you.


"I don't give a shyt about your Conf streak ..."

And you would feel the same way if YOUR program had done the same thing?

Sigh! I know YOU don't 'give a shyt' about our streak of consecutive conference titles (or claim to) but, AGAIN, you'll have to admit that Mr. Brennan, of ESPN.com, certainly thinks otherwise. Correct?

(* see tmcats and Nookam. And their respective fanbases.)

Edited by BuckTurgidson at 23:00:27 on 09/19/16
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I see BuckTurd called me out - Diamond Dave MU - 9/19 17:42:51
     Why don't you two spoon and get it over with.... - Mizzou1990 MU - 9/20 10:12:32
          RE: But they paid Clyde Lovellette to go to school there in 1952 - BuckTurgidson KU - 9/20 09:31:10
     RE: No they went on probation after that one too - 77TIGER MU - 9/20 00:34:45
          RE: No they went on probation after that one too - BuckTurgidson KU - 9/20 09:38:21
     RE: I see BuckTurd called me out - BuckTurgidson KU - 9/19 22:42:21
          kU is elite. Top 10 for sure. - Nookam UK - 9/20 10:39:12
               RE: kU is elite. Top 10 for sure. - Phoggy08 KU - 9/20 14:09:28
     kU cheats its ass off. - tigerspy MU - 9/19 21:10:07
          RE: kU cheats its ass off. - BuckTurgidson KU - 9/19 22:50:14
               It was helpful that the NCAA HQ was in KC - playhard NWMSU - 9/20 08:57:07
                    RE: It was helpful that the NCAA HQ was in KC - BuckTurgidson KU - 9/20 09:40:55
               RE: Hey Dick, you've been on probation 7 times - 77TIGER MU - 9/20 00:37:19
                    "Compliance doesn't sell tickets" - Bobk MU - 9/20 00:53:24
                         RE: "Compliance doesn't sell tickets" - BuckTurgidson KU - 9/20 09:45:33

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