That is truly one of the big problems.
Posted on: September 15, 2016 at 20:19:11 CT
quicksand MU
Member For:
22.18 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I suspect we will have historically terrible fan support this year and set perhaps the lowest attendance records we have had since we played at Brewer Fieldhouse. There are literally thousands of fans who don't even know Tigerboard exists, and never talk ****. They just don't care anymore because the program has dropped to such miserable levels. We have had some opportunities, such as when we played K-State in Kansas City early last season, to show our out-state fan base that we are at least trying to improve, but the effort and preparation was such a colossal disaster that it backfired on us. It was an utter humiliation that, coupled with a decent crowd watching us get annihilated at home by a poor Arkansas team, has basically ruined our fan support. I would suggest that those complaining the most are actually those who really want and understand what we need to do to get this program back to semi-decency.