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The GOP has always been full of closet racists

Posted on: August 26, 2016 at 09:00:14 CT
TigerJackSwartz MU
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16.40 yrs
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no, the door to that closet is being opened.

But no one is surprised
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Donald Trump is a racist - Webbster MU - 8/26 08:39:02
     Libtard racemongering is what lead to trump(nm) - TigerFan92 MU - 8/27 10:56:25
     I think you'll find that your side has played that card - MUTGR MU - 8/26 10:31:29
          This is Trump's problem, GOP problem - Webbster MU - 8/26 10:51:06
               It's not Trump's problem. nm. - MUTGR MU - 8/26 11:09:53
                    Trump is Trump's problem - JayHoaxH8r MU - 8/26 11:23:40
                         Okay, but Hillary playing the racist card is not his problem - MUTGR MU - 8/26 12:16:13
                              Keep thinking that - Webbster MU - 8/26 12:23:28
                                   Sorry, repeating your talking points doesn't prove your - MUTGR MU - 8/26 12:42:17
                                        thats funny - Webbster MU - 8/26 12:45:49
                                             You're focused on demographic trends, but there is a - MUTGR MU - 8/26 13:38:04
          Just put a photo of Detroit up..or Chicago or - MUGuy2004 STL - 8/26 10:40:54
     Run to racism..it's all you guys have left? It's what you - MUGuy2004 STL - 8/26 10:21:36
          LOL that's a pretty racist replay - Webbster MU - 8/26 10:54:00
     what do u think elitists are little web. geez - yy4u MU - 8/26 09:59:37
     You said it too and ummmm challenged you on it - pickle MU - 8/26 09:38:36
     They best response to that nasty ad - Evenflow MU - 8/26 09:04:34
     The GOP has always been full of closet racists - TigerJackSwartz MU - 8/26 09:00:14
          How van you be a closet racist? Dumb(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/26 09:50:50
          unlike the democrats ... - tigerfans3 MSSU - 8/26 09:12:18
          But OTOH - Webbster MU - 8/26 09:07:08
               the GOP =\= conservative (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 8/26 09:10:12
                    The GOP is in disarray - Webbster MU - 8/26 09:17:29
          The democrats have a much greater historical legacy of - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 8/26 09:03:27
               Yes, the southern dems that became republicans because - Mo Texan MU - 8/26 09:06:31
                    Then what did nothern Dems become. Radicals?(nm) - tman KC - 8/26 09:07:46
                         The parties have flipped much of it's base. - Webbster MU - 8/26 09:22:57
                              the southern strategy was a success. - mizzou alum 93 MU - 8/26 11:21:24
                                   The beginnings was Goldwater and Wallace - Webbster MU - 8/26 11:26:54
                         Define radical(nm) - Mo Texan MU - 8/26 09:08:35
     Hillary called black youts "superpredators" in the 90's, - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 8/26 08:56:56
     Great answers Trump apologists..nm - Webbster MU - 8/26 08:50:47
          Hillary is a congenital lying lesbian who has accomplished 0 - mu7176grad MU - 8/26 08:54:31
               Another great answer to the GOP problem..nm - Webbster MU - 8/26 09:08:04
                    Note---you don't even attempt to defend her - mu7176grad MU - 8/26 09:54:49
                         Note-OP is about Trump..nm - Webbster MU - 8/26 10:05:06
                              Trump may be a moron--Hillary is a criminal - mu7176grad MU - 8/26 10:07:28
                                   You can't say one good thing about Trump - Webbster MU - 8/26 10:42:58
     lol(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 8/26 08:49:49
     Your gal Hillary's mentor was a KKK grand kleagle. - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/26 08:47:27
     Hillary Clinton kisses and fawns all over KKK members - NWMizzouFan MU - 8/26 08:42:43
          Where was Byrd when Trumps dad was arrested at the kkk rally - Mo Texan MU - 8/26 08:46:55
     Barack Obama hangs at Chicago bath houses - Spanky KU - 8/26 08:42:17

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