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Yet more feel good nonsense.

Posted on: August 25, 2016 at 13:03:38 CT
Member For:
15.73 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
If you don't have any money, don't commit a crime.

Problem solved.

You're welcome America!

It's racist, because more black, brown people end up in jail, and can't afford it.

So, the solution is to NOT jail or fine them? Gee, that will sure help law enforcement. In essence, you create I'm poor, get out of jail free card.

Poor neighborhoods get over run with vandalism, public intoxication, dui/dwi/driving without insurance, etc. Cops will simply stop enforcing laws except extreme violence.

Middle class crime rates go up, along with insurance to pay for the poor crime wave.

Rich? They'll never notice, because they don't live anywhere near poverty.

Oh well, at least we can all celebrate how open, diverse we are all, just as a drunken homeless man pukes , or poops on the sidewalks in front of our homes, businesses.

Yeah! Go America! Oops, is that going to be a fine, for a microagression?
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Obama's lawyers challenge the bail system - Spanky KU - 8/25 12:46:34
     Bail is simply to assure that they return for their court - DHighlander KC - 8/25 13:20:58
          That already exists - ummmm MU - 8/25 13:29:04
               What exist outside of bail that assures that they return?(nm) - DHighlander KC - 8/25 13:38:34
                    That absconding hurts the accused's case. (nm) - ummmm MU - 8/25 13:43:19
                         That isn't any deterrent to someone who knows he will be - JeffB MU - 8/25 16:03:49
                              Yes, there is. - ummmm MU - 8/25 16:12:12
                                   You are missing my point. There are some individuals who - JeffB MU - 8/25 16:33:27
                                        "suicide by cop" - pickle MU - 8/26 07:02:43
                         nice dodge. can you actually answer his question? (nm) - mizzou alum 93 MU - 8/25 13:44:09
                    In that case? - Spanky KU - 8/25 13:42:09
                    the goodness of man and his cooperative nature. - mizzou alum 93 MU - 8/25 13:40:28
               If they get caught again...... - Spanky KU - 8/25 13:34:05
          Bail was set at a very low amount in their test case ($160) - Spanky KU - 8/25 13:26:21
     Good news for people who value freedom and liberty - ummmm MU - 8/25 13:04:34
          If you value your freedom, don't walk around drunk in public - Spanky KU - 8/25 13:06:48
               Your sentence is one big contradiction (nm) - ummmm MU - 8/25 13:10:18
                    No.. it's not. - Spanky KU - 8/25 13:11:55
                         You get stupider every day (nm) - pickle MU - 8/26 07:03:48
                         Yes, it is. - ummmm MU - 8/25 13:16:27
                              That's why you have likely spent time in jail... - Spanky KU - 8/25 13:17:47
                                   How about you explain, instead of resorting to the lamest - ummmm MU - 8/25 13:28:12
                                        I did... try this again - Spanky KU - 8/25 13:34:43
                                             Yes, that is a contradiction. - ummmm MU - 8/25 13:43:47
                                                  No.. you're confusing English with Pickletopian - Spanky KU - 8/25 14:02:01
                                                       and once again, you are undressed by ummmm and resort - 90Tiger MU - 8/25 14:11:47
                                                            Not a chance.... He is a dumb@ss and doesn't understand - Spanky KU - 8/25 14:15:13
                                                                 You still haven't shown why. You've just called names - ummmm MU - 8/25 14:16:22
                                                                      Try again - Spanky KU - 8/25 14:19:03
                                                                           This subthread is about the contradiction of that - ummmm MU - 8/25 14:21:59
                                                                                It is your ATTEMPT to call it a contradiction.. - Spanky KU - 8/25 14:32:28
                                                                                     RE: It is your ATTEMPT to call it a contradiction.. - ummmm MU - 8/25 14:37:34
                                                                                          No.. You ATTEMPTED to do that by playing on words - Spanky KU - 8/25 14:53:31
                                        irony. this is the lamest cannard on tigerboard: - mizzou alum 93 MU - 8/25 13:29:24
                                   and he thinks his SIS probation has been expunged. - mizzou alum 93 MU - 8/25 13:18:34
                              you are not having a good week. (nm) - mizzou alum 93 MU - 8/25 13:17:20
                    good lord. (nm) - mizzou alum 93 MU - 8/25 13:11:07
          some people are in jail for infringing on the liberty and - mizzou alum 93 MU - 8/25 13:06:33
     Yet more feel good nonsense. - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/25 13:03:38
          Mr. Libertarian (nm) - pickle MU - 8/26 07:06:40
          Good lord. (nm) - ummmm MU - 8/25 13:06:30
          It was likely more expensive for the city to jail the guy - Spanky KU - 8/25 13:05:33

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