RE: Real translation:
Posted on: August 22, 2016 at 16:19:17 CT
BuckTurgidson KU
Member For:
12.63 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
"nobody cares to talk to a dumb beaker, we hate each other as it is, don't bring your bird brains in here"
REAL 'Real translation': Our fan base continues to claim that your program's far, far, far, far, FAR greater level of achievement and dominance over ours in head-to-head competition is, rather than merely superior hard work and skill on the part of our coaches and players, the residue of a clandestine program set up inside the Big 12 which directs the league's referees to fewer fouls on your players and more fouls on your opponents, with the specific intent to rig it's regular season race each year to enable you to win it AND constant 'cheating' the the NCAA knows about, but chooses to deliberately ignore and not prosecute, which continues to go unreported by the national media.
When you come here and point out, in post after post after post, how inane and preposterous those aforementioned claims are to any human being (especially a 'college' educated one) in possession of a functioning cerebral cortex, it makes US look like 'dumb bird brains'.