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that's a ****ing religion over there(nm)

Posted on: August 12, 2016 at 15:02:10 CT
cnk MU
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     What no jarts, wiffle ball and horseshoes (nm) - mu7176grad MU - 8/12 15:08:20
     this girl just fell off the trampoline - cnk ATL - 8/12 15:04:25
          Only reason to watch. Bras & tight unitards shouldn't be - Gary P. MU - 8/12 15:13:08
               the word "unitard" is hilarious to me(nm) - Joeboo MU - 8/12 15:16:33
                    Like a retard with one leg(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 8/12 15:17:10
                    it's when you are really bad at only one thing - cnk ATL - 8/12 15:17:05
               right? - cnk ATL - 8/12 15:16:31
          she has worse eye bags than a heroin addict (nm) - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 8/12 15:05:29
               well, she's from Belarus(nm) - cnk ATL - 8/12 15:10:58
               RE: she has worse eye bags than a heroin addict (nm) - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 8/12 15:06:39
                    broke - Joeboo MU - 8/12 15:08:12
                         thanks for the breaking news - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 8/12 15:09:44
                    **** this broke ass board and its embedding issues - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 8/12 15:08:04
               bad eyes is that Ladecky chick. Chris Elliott eyes(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 8/12 15:06:04
     RE: wtf, trampolining is an Olympic sport(nm) - Joeboo MU - 8/12 15:00:48
          YES!(nm) - cnk ATL - 8/12 15:02:45
          lol(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 8/12 15:02:06
     dude, what else is there for the Asians besides badminton - hefeweizen MU - 8/12 14:58:52
          what sport do you excel at? - Doc James USA - 8/12 15:07:13
               double handle registering - cnk ATL - 8/12 15:15:28
                    Very underrated post right here (nm) - haeffb MU - 8/12 15:24:41
          it's actually kind of cool - cnk ATL - 8/12 15:00:39
               I found it humorous that the US favorite to win the gold - hefeweizen MU - 8/12 15:01:41
                    that's a ****ing religion over there(nm) - cnk ATL - 8/12 15:02:10
                         all the foreign Asian students would always be playing it - hefeweizen MU - 8/12 15:03:32
                              They said a pro with pro equipment can hit a shuttlcock - TheWildcat STL - 8/12 15:10:36
     Lee's Summit used to produce some top level tramps - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 8/12 14:58:41
     I'll watch if the ladies have cans.(nm) - Zeaux MU - 8/12 14:58:26
          eh, they're kind of smashed up(nm) - cnk ATL - 8/12 15:00:05
               I kind of like that. - Zeaux MU - 8/12 15:01:12
                    the seatbelt effect is the best(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 8/12 15:05:21
                    the shelf boob(nm) - cnk ATL - 8/12 15:01:53

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