I was in LA and the San Diego area last week to visit family
Posted on: August 11, 2016 at 17:32:26 CT
jumbo73 MU
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20.01 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Here's a quick read based upon my independent survey of attitudes toward sports in general in that environment.
"If it interferes with my beach time, F it. I'm a huge fan of either the, Dodgers, Lakers, Kings Clippers, USC, UCLA, but not more than one of them. If I'm hispanic, I'm really big now on the Rams, and I'll wear their gear while I drink my beer. If I'm in San Diego, I've never heard of this guy Sterk and couldn't give two sh**s about SDSU. And, where the f*** is Mizzuri anyway?"
It's a little out of the 'ordinary' sports environment, if you know what I mean.