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Sterk presser/Mizzou baseball tidbit

Posted on: August 11, 2016 at 12:44:52 CT
bolivartiger MU
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I went over to Faurot for the introductory press conference for the new AD, Jim Sterk. I noticed that Coach Bieser walked over to Coach Jamieson and had a long conversation. Coach Pratte was there too. I thought it was good to see. I have been plenty critical of TJ's coaching at times, but I really hope he gets a position in the AD. Good man.
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Sterk presser/Mizzou baseball tidbit - bolivartiger MU - 8/11 12:44:52
     That's good - trripleplay MU - 8/11 13:49:08
          Wonder if he would take a CMU or Will. Woods job if offered - MizzouAstro MU - 8/11 13:53:59
               I'm betting he looks for a pitching coach job at DI - trripleplay MU - 8/11 14:05:22
                    RE: I'm betting he looks for a pitching coach job at DI - sYsTiger MU - 8/11 14:06:45
                         Whatever any of us think about how much TJ is - trripleplay MU - 8/11 14:09:35
               RE: Wonder if he would take a CMU or Will. Woods job if offered - sYsTiger MU - 8/11 14:05:08
                    softball?(nm) - trripleplay MU - 8/11 14:06:22
     I didn't see TJ there, I'm glad he felt comfortable enough - MizzouAstro MU - 8/11 12:56:53

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