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Kim English needs to shut his mouth on social media

Posted on: August 10, 2016 at 16:35:51 CT
nerdmachine KC
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All he does is make himself look bad. TP definitely was not bragging there, he loves his team clearly and hopefully fans like you will love them too.
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Twitter. - StaleyTiger MU - 8/10 16:09:24
     Kim English who sleeps next to his cell phone in case - alstl MU - 8/11 10:24:23
          LMAO(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/11 10:33:06
     OP fabricating something from two unrelated posts... - shorty MU - 8/11 08:31:52
     ha. KE should have sent himself that twitter years - SabertoothTiger MU - 8/10 22:25:03
          RE: ha. KE should have sent himself that twitter years - Ragarm MU - 8/11 08:13:31
     get a hobby, you're mind is broken (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 8/10 21:00:35
     More Phillips on Twitter - haeffb MU - 8/10 20:52:00
          I agree - Mr. Orange SU - 8/10 21:01:43
     Phillips is referring to this team being 100% Haif-free - Mr. Orange SU - 8/10 20:34:23
     It is possible for them to both be right. - alwaysright MU - 8/10 19:39:45
          RE: It is possible for them to both be right. - Tigerfem MU - 8/10 20:21:37
     I agree with Kim anD Terrance - tigerden MU - 8/10 19:11:42
     English should take his own advice and stfu(nm) - TigerFan92 MU - 8/10 19:06:53
     What did Englishs say? (Nm) - mizzoutiger91 MU - 8/10 18:55:01
     The kid's excited and we should be as well. - Diamond Dave MU - 8/10 18:20:06
          Not irrelevant, but certainly not the point man either. - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/11 01:56:47
     English is wise beyond his years - samclemens MU - 8/10 18:16:07
          I think if you asked him his opinion about non stop bashing - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/11 01:58:25
          Actually, he's kind of sad - Tptiger MU - 8/10 21:24:35
          or he is just a dumb s hit - Jeff85 MU - 8/10 19:45:35
     I generally agree with Kim English here. - tigerspy MU - 8/10 18:00:50
          Agree it wasn't. Surely he's not worried about anything - Uncle John MU - 8/10 18:13:09
          What's the difference between boasting in the off season - Cosmo MU - 8/10 18:04:07
               Boasting during the season is kinda dumb too. - tigerspy MU - 8/10 18:07:57
          Birds of a feaver haif togever! - Mr. Orange SU - 8/10 18:02:46
               Did you bother to read his post?(nm) - DevilsAdvocate MU - 8/10 18:48:52
                    Yeah. He haifgrees wif English. Kimmy is a haifer - Mr. Orange SU - 8/10 19:10:15
     un-following the haithiest is a good thing for your TL. nm - TigerAlum91 MU - 8/10 16:39:27
     Kim English needs to shut his mouth on social media - nerdmachine KC - 8/10 16:35:51
          Very likely the 2 are not related - Eggs MU - 8/10 16:39:42
               They absolutely are unrelated. - zodiac6 JC - 8/10 16:46:36
                    that son of a *****(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 8/10 16:47:32
               I wouldn't be surprised if he is reading TB right now - Mr. Orange SU - 8/10 16:42:45
     Who is boasting? - tiger4real MU - 8/10 16:16:49
          Don't think English's tweet was in response to TP's - Gaseous Clay MU - 8/10 16:25:49
     Such a haither(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/10 16:15:25
     Sad - Cosmo MU - 8/10 16:14:27
     Believe most would consider English's thought ironic(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/10 16:11:50
          He does work for a carnival barker - Mr. Orange SU - 8/10 16:33:59
          I 100% agree.(nm) - StaleyTiger MU - 8/10 16:18:32
          Road to Zou Orleans! - Eggs MU - 8/10 16:17:55
          deep thoughts by Kim English - Jeff85 MU - 8/10 16:17:18

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