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Team defense

Posted on: August 9, 2016 at 13:10:50 CT
catbirdseat MU
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13.49 yrs
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or just general lack of defensive skills that all underclassmen have?

Can't play team defense until you master the man on man skills necessary to compete against quicker D1 players.

That takes at least a year IMO. Since we are vacationing in Europe and not practicing during that time I am pretty sure we will be able to develop some nice bad habits early in the season.
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27-22 end of 1st MU - Jeff85 MU - 8/9 11:59:54
     winner 92-78(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/9 13:11:26
     72-72 after 3, gave up 31 points in the 3rd quarter?(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/9 12:44:56
          Let's see how they respond to getting pushed - Mormad MU - 8/9 12:49:09
               i think they responded well - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/9 13:13:27
                    That's great! I don't care if it's Little Sisters - Mormad MU - 8/9 13:15:18
               Final: MU 92-78. CVL 26 points. (nm) - CalTiger MU - 8/9 13:11:54
               getting pushed... - catbirdseat MU - 8/9 13:05:47
                    The ones that didn't lift are gone.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/9 13:06:51
     47-41 at the half - wu-tangtiger MU - 8/9 12:17:25
          That should upset the haters, they'll find a way to turn - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/9 12:21:03
               Still a 2nd half to be played - Mormad MU - 8/9 12:24:24
                    Defense is my main concern right now(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/9 12:25:01
                         Team defense - catbirdseat MU - 8/9 13:10:50
                         Geist as leading rebounder probably tells us - Mormad MU - 8/9 12:27:09
                              We need our guards to crash the boards with our lack of size - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/9 12:28:43
               Ignore them like Beakers.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/9 12:23:34
                    Even beakers aren't that stupid lol(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/9 12:23:57
          Longer 3-pt line, too. I think we're going to like Geist - Diamond Dave MU - 8/9 12:19:28
               Going to love him and VanLeer together.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/9 12:22:27
                    VanLeerGeist, the two-headed monster, beware(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/9 12:23:37
                         Don't forget about Nikko, he is going to surprise.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/9 12:24:06
                              VanLeerGeistNikko, the 3 headed demon baller(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/9 12:25:35
     CVL with 8, Woods with 7(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 8/9 12:00:45

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