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Sutherland was an alpha dog. We need another one of those

Posted on: August 6, 2016 at 10:09:19 CT
HissingPrigs77 MU
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13.22 yrs
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guys. Geist doesn't have to replicate Sutherland's game, but if he can bring that kind of intensity to the floor, this team could really use it.
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Geist drawing Jason Sutherland comparisons - HissingPrigs77 MU - 8/6 09:59:04
     We have needed a guy like that for a long time(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 8/6 10:41:49
          Yeah Sutherland really led us to the promised land - MakeShift MU - 8/6 10:50:04
               yeah, Sutherland was the problem all those - alwaysright MU - 8/7 16:40:57
               jeez(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/6 11:21:57
                    Lol Grimm and Sutherland d are the two most - MakeShift MU - 8/6 17:53:03
                         That's not what he's saying. You're very narrow minded.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/6 19:57:29
                              He wants to be tgr so badly - Mr. Orange SU - 8/6 23:08:01
                         What you are missing when you read those statements - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/6 18:02:07
                              Carroll led his team to the Elite 8 - MakeShift MU - 8/6 19:36:34
                                   They speak English in what? - Mr. Orange SU - 8/6 23:08:53
               Yeah. He sucked! A D2 talent! - Mr. Orange SU - 8/6 11:09:56
     You need some bulldogs on a team. Too bad he is not older. I - MIZZOU_FANATIC MU - 8/6 10:11:07
          The entire Big 8 hated/feared Sutherland and Grimm - HissingPrigs77 MU - 8/6 10:18:00
               Hopefully Nikko is like that(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/6 10:19:27
                    Nikko looks like a puppy dog. Time will tell, I guess. - HissingPrigs77 MU - 8/6 10:25:25
                         Nikko's surgery was elective, from what I've read - Diamond Dave MU - 8/6 10:32:17
                              Might make him tentative for a while. - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/6 16:28:51
                         He will be meaner than our center post-Oriacki - Mr. Orange SU - 8/6 10:26:51
                              Wish we could have Oriakhi for more than one season. - HissingPrigs77 MU - 8/6 10:32:04
                                   Smith will eventually be a solid post presence - wu-tangtiger MU - 8/6 11:10:22
               Cracks me up about Grimm. He has that rep - Diamond Dave MU - 8/6 10:19:01
                    He was nasty. Grabbed pressure points, stomped on feet, - HissingPrigs77 MU - 8/6 10:23:00
                         That's great. Used to play pickup with a couple of guys - Diamond Dave MU - 8/6 10:31:39
     Not as athletic as Sutherland. From what I've seen - Mr. Orange SU - 8/6 10:07:20
          Sutherland was an alpha dog. We need another one of those - HissingPrigs77 MU - 8/6 10:09:19
               He has intensity for sure - Mr. Orange SU - 8/6 10:10:19

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