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what a load of crap. trump has done nothing recently that he

Posted on: August 5, 2016 at 17:53:25 CT
blake1771 MU
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hasn't been doing since the start. it's so obvious that there is a coordinated media attack against him that has ramped up since the conventions it's not even debatable.

yes he gives them fuel for fire. but he's being doing that since day one.

all the while clinton's ludicrous statements, lies, obfuscation and outright criminal behavior is ignored.

they are both **** candidates. that should be the story. we know clinton will suck. we know she has been inept. trump very well might be awful. or he might get stonewalled by congress and nothing gets done. or he might surprise people and have some modicum of success.

Edited by blake1771 at 17:53:52 on 08/05/16
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     what a load of crap. trump has done nothing recently that he - blake1771 KC - 8/5 17:53:25
          The author, David Brooks, is a conservative commentator.(nm) - MIZZOU_FANATIC MU - 8/5 21:02:29
               He's pro-abortion, semi-neocon... in favor of Iraq war 'til - JeffB MU - 8/6 09:03:02
          It's all a vast left wing conspiracy - JayHoaxH8r MU - 8/5 18:36:57
               The extreme left wing bias of the mainstream media is - JeffB MU - 8/5 20:09:09
          Very true. I'm starting to think if Trump actually won, or - JeffB MU - 8/5 18:02:28
     R's need to get to the polls - Guy on a Bison MU - 8/5 17:52:41
          They should have done that in the primaries. (nm) - JeffB MU - 8/5 18:03:51

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