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Missed the quote attributed to Ben Howland as in

Posted on: August 3, 2016 at 07:19:45 CT
Lt. J. Dangle MU
Member For:
21.38 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
"Ben Howland has said...".

That article seems to be Parrish's opinion that Howland would have accepted and not Ben Howland saying he wanted it.
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          He got the job because no one else wanted it. Alden - Uncle John MU - 8/2 12:59:45
               KVA denies that the Professional Victim said a word - Doc Stone MU - 8/2 13:48:27
                    He didn't tell KA, but I'm sure he told others. Doesn't - Uncle John MU - 8/2 13:50:02
                         under that scenario the Professional Victim is either really - Doc Stone MU - 8/2 13:51:55
                              Or, he manned up and took one for the University to limit - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/2 17:19:23
                                   If true he should have demanded more money - Doc Stone MU - 8/2 18:30:05
                              I think that is rather obvious, Chief.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/2 13:59:31
                                   I think notbody was going to get anything out of - Doc Stone MU - 8/2 14:01:43
                                        Agree, and also I would say KA is the one who is going to - Uncle John MU - 8/2 14:04:55
                                             for sure. He's getting paid pretty well to suffer(nm) - Doc Stone MU - 8/2 14:05:54
               Except that's not true at all. Ben Howland has said that he - StaleyTiger MU - 8/2 13:07:52
                    That assumes that he didn't know how much it would cost - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/2 17:22:19
                    I never saw that link. If you can provide it I would - Uncle John MU - 8/2 13:32:34
                         It's been posted here multiple times: - StaleyTiger MU - 8/2 15:40:21
                         I sure would like to see that link as well. It will never - Lt. J. Dangle NWMSU - 8/2 13:49:00
                              Right above you. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 8/2 15:50:01
                                   Missed the quote attributed to Ben Howland as in - Lt. J. Dangle NWMSU - 8/3 07:19:45
                                        Are you calling Parrish a liar?(nm) - tigerspy MU - 8/3 08:58:26
                                             If the shoe fits. And it certainly fits Gary Parrish (nm) - haeffb MU - 8/3 16:37:18
               It pays way too much for no one to want it. - Evenflow MU - 8/2 13:06:25
                    Nm - tigerspy MU - 8/2 15:48:58
                    Of course we could have had and ex con, but Alden wasn't - Uncle John MU - 8/2 13:33:19
     probation from what? - restore the roar MU - 8/2 12:41:11
          Probation, not prohibition. - Shrine Devine MU - 8/2 13:43:23
          Winning.(nm) - Shrine Devine MU - 8/2 13:42:20
     how come FIJI didn't post this?(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/2 12:40:23
     Disappointing they didn't retract some of the silly self - FIJItiger MU - 8/2 12:39:20
          No way NCAA retracts anything. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 8/2 12:41:03
     So are we aloud to play in post season tourneys? (Nm) - mizzoutiger91 MU - 8/2 12:32:41
          SEC tourney play-in game(nm) - tigerdb MU - 8/2 13:27:12
          No, I think Kim is sill aloud to be our coach (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/2 12:40:00
               i'll allou it (nm) - TigerwTLP MU - 8/2 13:30:37
          Yes(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/2 12:35:43
          no, silent participation only (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 8/2 12:34:28
     I'm disapointed that they didn't nail Haith. - tgr MU - 8/2 12:32:05
     what, exactly, does being on probation mean? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 8/2 12:29:51
          RE: what, exactly, does being on probation mean? (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/2 12:43:43
          I believe they will have more oversight by the NCAA during - tgr MU - 8/2 12:34:41
          It means they were looking for a sanction with a little more - tigerdb MU - 8/2 12:34:26
          found this - Uncle John MU - 8/2 12:32:11
     that's a fake release. It was all made up (nm) - kmawv8 MU - 8/2 12:17:05
          Yes Kim even got the NCAA in on it too. Lol(nm) - sprintcar STL - 8/2 13:08:58
     Beaker running the show - Uncle John MU - 8/2 12:16:42
     So we are on double secret probation for one year. - catbirdseat MU - 8/2 12:16:27
          Not sure what that means(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/2 12:17:48

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