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This notion that I am a huge fan of Haith's is

Posted on: August 3, 2016 at 07:13:55 CT
FIJItiger MU
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22.08 yrs
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entirely false. Its all relative, of course he looks very good in comparison to Kim Anderson. He is a better D1 coach to Kim in every capacity by a large margin. But that doesn't mean he is anything other than a slightly above avg D1 coach or that I don't hope and expect MU to do better.

I just don't have the need or desire to falsely disparage MU's recent past in an attempt to justify our current state of a cratered program and de-emphasis on the sport. That is self inflicted and has nothing to do with our past.
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     This notion that I am a huge fan of Haith's is - FIJItiger MU - 8/3 07:13:55
          Do you need the hook cut out of your mouth? Jesus(nm) - Gaseous Clay MU - 8/3 08:44:28
          Remember how Haith left Miami cratered and under NCAA - StaleyTiger MU - 8/3 08:00:12
               Exactly. Miami was in way worse shape, and a way worse - jrmtiger MU - 8/3 09:01:26
                    Amazing what a real coach can do, we haven't had one - Uncle John MU - 8/3 09:30:30
                    oh no, you are going to have the KA lovers and family mad at - NWMizzouFan MU - 8/3 09:16:41

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