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He was quite clear with that belief.

Posted on: August 1, 2016 at 20:23:34 CT
zodiac6 JC
Member For:
23.55 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:

"What I really want to see is evidence that this isn't all just MU created, and an actual timeline of events that wasn't retroactively created."
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The NCAA investigation is done. - tgr MU - 8/1 19:31:20
     Like investigating a dumpster fire - mu7176grad MU - 8/2 07:03:08
     That will pi$$ feejie off--one of the things he likes to - go tigers MU - 8/1 23:55:38
          blah blah blah(nm) - DevilsAdvocate MU - 8/2 09:11:59
     I'd wait til a real reporter says something(nm) - Doc Stone MU - 8/1 21:34:59
     Feefee was hoping there was no investigation - Mr. Orange SU - 8/1 19:34:49
          He's a protected class on this board and why it has been - TigerFan92 MU - 8/1 20:39:49
               Or you know... They don't post because the team is terrible - tgr MU - 8/1 20:57:45
                    He was referring to you being a protected class - Mr. Orange SU - 8/1 21:17:35
                    I still am. And even if there was ZERO hope imo... - kctgrs MU - 8/1 20:58:42
                         No you'd rather whine about the content of the message board - tgr MU - 8/1 21:03:18
                              * - Uncle John MU - 8/2 08:23:56
                              19 posts since May 1st...You were saying?(nm) - kctgrs MU - 8/1 21:10:20
                                   That shut the punk up.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/2 08:24:26
                                   While you have about 200 in July alone... - kctgrs MU - 8/1 21:12:07
                              Because I'm on here so much(nm) - kctgrs MU - 8/1 21:08:33
          Not hoping - haeffb MU - 8/1 20:18:47
               He was quite clear with that belief. - zodiac6 JC - 8/1 20:23:34
                    He is joining a club of people that require building - SabertoothTiger MU - 8/2 07:52:41
          Really? Link? (nm) - Lerxst MU - 8/1 20:08:53
               Really? Link? - Mr. Orange SU - 8/1 20:28:58
               If you knew him, you'd know... - kctgrs MU - 8/1 20:11:54

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