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We are officially worse than kU football

Posted on: July 30, 2016 at 10:40:55 CT
Calca STL
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We are officially worse than kU football - Calca STL - 7/30 10:40:55
     Unpossible (nm) - reick MU - 7/31 05:57:42
     This is an IQ test and a lot of gullible goobers - samclemens MU - 7/30 21:01:16
     Nope. - El_Tigre MU - 7/30 20:36:32
          RE: Nope. - BuckTurgidson KU - 7/30 22:20:13
               Its because your football team doesnt bring the conference - Truthful KC - 7/31 01:06:16
     nope. - cooter KC - 7/30 14:27:11
     RE: Not even close - too much panic - missinglink MU - 7/30 13:57:01
     RE: We are officially worse than kU football - Ragarm MU - 7/30 13:15:11
     We're not there yet, but if Kermit stays our head coach for - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/30 12:12:30
          Well, let's see how he turns out. - UMR85 MU - 7/30 14:05:28
     That's probably the only thing Kim has yet to accomplish. - Evenflow MU - 7/30 11:54:14
          when did you officially become mini figi b itch - Jeff85 MU - 7/31 00:30:50
     Officially? What organization made this ranking/decree - Cosmo MU - 7/30 11:32:48
          They're actually getting recruits - Calca STL - 7/30 20:57:24
               So that's a no then - Cosmo MU - 7/31 12:04:59
     May the goat hair of 1000 leeches crawl up your nose - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/30 11:27:36
     Close. We would have to sustain this terribleness for - GoMizzouTigers MU - 7/30 11:13:19
          2 years vs 7 - Guy on a Bison MU - 7/30 12:23:49
               Might never catch up with them though - Bobk MU - 7/30 16:49:19
     What took you so long............nm - tigertix MU - 7/30 10:48:55

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