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So no one has posted the release from Kim?

Posted on: July 29, 2016 at 20:08:22 CT
tgr MU
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21.72 yrs
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I've copied the original and here is the read betweens the line version:

It definitely seems like they were trying to imply some things with the way this was worded IMO.

Congratulations to Corey Tate on his move back to the St. Louis area, where his family has continued to live during his time on the Mizzou Basketball coaching staff,” Missouri coach Kim Anderson said in a statement on Friday. “We appreciate Coach Tate’s efforts while back home at his alma mater, the flagship institution of our great state. Our program has made steady progress this summer in preparation for the 2016–17 season, and also for our upcoming foreign tour in Italy.

“We will identify a new member of our coaching staff that is prepared to tackle the challenges of coaching and recruiting in the Southeastern Conference, while continuing to be a strong mentor and role model for our student-athletes.”

Edited by tgr at 20:12:10 on 07/29/16
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So no one has posted the release from Kim? - tgr MU - 7/29 20:08:22
     Wow. That is bush league. Kim is a freaking joke.(nm) - StaleyTiger MU - 7/30 09:35:07
     Corey Tate is a much fatter and colored version of me - Diamond Dave MU - 7/29 21:12:34
     why didn't he just say "Loos is back as a FT coach"?(nm) - tigerdb MU - 7/29 20:55:58
     Ok - Mr. Orange SU - 7/29 20:47:11
     is that real? Surely not(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/29 20:43:55
     That is odd(nm) - MIZZOU_FANATIC MU - 7/29 20:16:36
     Kim is birdbrained enough to write that and - Evenflow MU - 7/29 20:14:12
          Offensive is the lack of work that Tate put in.(nm) - ROLLATIGER MU - 7/29 22:02:49

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