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Posted on: July 28, 2016 at 23:29:18 CT
Cosmo MU
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14.44 yrs
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I'm hoping that the 7-8-9 of Strop-Rondon-Chapman will be like what the Royals have had the last few years and that will help relieve pressure from the starters.

Pretty awesome to have this kind of closer though, it's been a long time since the Cubs have had anything like it.
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Hilldog should have dropped the mic tonight. - SoCal MIZ NAVY - 7/28 23:11:40
     Too bad no one with an ounce of sense believes her. - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/29 07:59:45
          RE: Too bad no one with an ounce of sense believes her. - sarasotatiger MU - 7/29 08:17:57
     You're as lame & delusional as fatass Hillary. - FaurotFan MU - 7/28 23:46:38
          RE: You're as lame & delusional as fatass Hillary. - sarasotatiger MU - 7/29 08:25:42
          Meh, Trump is the wrong candidate for you guys. - SoCal MIZ NAVY - 7/28 23:48:02
               You really counting on that bump, huh?(nm) - STL1DFW STL - 7/29 00:22:48
                    I'm counting on Trump showing his ass in the next 100 days. - SoCal MIZ NAVY - 7/29 00:30:15
                         "We" - y'all need something, lol(nm) - STL1DFW STL - 7/29 01:37:27
                         you should probably be more concerned with wikileaks - Ron Swanson MU - 7/29 00:32:53
                              Word, did she snapchat some pics, yo? - SoCal MIZ NAVY - 7/29 00:52:57
                                   Yet, you're pleading with us to believe what you're selling(nm) - STL1DFW STL - 7/29 01:38:35
     She's lucky she's running against Trump. - Zeaux MU - 7/28 23:19:50
          Oh, and also - Cosmo MU - 7/28 23:23:53
               I'm happy. - Zeaux MU - 7/28 23:26:34
                    #6GB(nm) - STL1DFW STL - 7/29 00:23:33
                    Yeah - Cosmo MU - 7/28 23:29:18
          And I would say that he's lucky he's running against her - Cosmo MU - 7/28 23:22:14

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