tailgates. They're more of a drink of choice for after a meal or next to a roaring fire in bitterly cold weather....like a snifter of a peated single malt from Islay. I wouldn't bring a single malt scotch to a tailgate either.
You picked some great beers, and included one of my former favorites, Founders Breakfast Stout. Founders tweaked the formula last year, and added more chocolate to the malt. It tastes like a Milky Way bar now.
I know I'm in the minority, but I much prefer the Founders Russian imperial Stout:
...and Bell's Expedition Stout is my current go to favorite:
I drink session beers at tailgates. The only beer in your list that I would drink at a tailgate would the Deschutes Black Butte Porter.
Edited by BB63 at 12:38:40 on 07/22/16