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do they have waitress in short golf skirts?(nm)

Posted on: July 21, 2016 at 12:49:24 CT
jeepdad MU
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Any of you been to a Top Golf? - TigerNuts KC - 7/21 12:36:00
     Yes it is a good time(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/21 17:07:17
     You should go slap some white balls around - catbirdseat MU - 7/21 12:55:39
     do they have waitress in short golf skirts?(nm) - jeepdad MU - 7/21 12:49:24
          And knee high socks, yes (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/21 12:50:20
     It's a good time. (nm) - kmawv8 MU - 7/21 12:47:11
     Astro has and likes it a lot. Actually prob the same one(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/21 12:39:52
          Oh yeah, could be - TigerNuts KC - 7/21 12:45:58
               Did you just rat out Astro trying to cheat on tkb? - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 12:54:44
                    no, gotta be - FootballRefugee MU - 7/21 12:59:56
                         RE: no, gotta be - colonel angus beef KC - 7/21 13:00:59
                              he's swiped'em all - FootballRefugee MU - 7/21 13:02:33
                    OMG EXPOSED(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/21 12:56:42
                    Not how it works (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/21 12:55:08
                         I know Astro would still have to close the deal after they - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 12:57:56
                              I'm trying to understand this post(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/21 13:02:42
                                   I wouldn't recommend trying to understand Lucas - kmawv8 MU - 7/21 13:06:17
                                        Next level **** brah(nm) - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 13:15:46
                                             RE: Next level **** brah(nm) - McMuffin MU - 7/21 13:20:12
                                                  ha(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/21 13:23:36
                                                  Lol (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/21 13:20:31
                                        Also, I remember what your first name is. So if Lucas is - tigersknowbest MU - 7/21 13:09:24
                                             I don't know his real name. - kmawv8 MU - 7/21 13:12:10
                                        you better not be using his real name(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/21 13:07:45
                                             Thanks for looking out for me tkb - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 13:16:46
                                                  she has been very bad this week - tigersknowbest MU - 7/21 13:22:56
                                                       hawt (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/21 13:23:32
                                                            go away(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/21 13:24:02
                                             I'm sure I have used his real name before - kmawv8 MU - 7/21 13:10:04
                                             I thought it was LaQueefa? (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/21 13:08:41
                                                  ^^^ gonna get suspended (nm) - kmawv8 MU - 7/21 13:11:28
               that's hilarious(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/21 12:54:00
     Yes(nm) - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 12:39:49
     I still don't quite understand the point - SuperTone MU - 7/21 12:39:39
          Clubs provided or bring your own, food is there, bar is - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/21 17:08:33
          RE: I still don't quite understand the point - colonel angus beef KC - 7/21 12:44:57
               Lol (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/21 12:48:44
          Yes. You can if you want. Yes(nm) - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 12:40:25
               good food? Do you sit at tables inside or is it all outside - SuperTone MU - 7/21 12:44:58
                    The food is actually quite good. - kmawv8 MU - 7/21 12:48:43
                    Either depending on what you want. They have indoor - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 12:47:48
                    It's kinda sething up like a bowling alley - TigerNuts KC - 7/21 12:47:48
                         Btw if you play the game that is strictly points - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 12:50:25
                              it is a game?(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/21 12:54:01
                                   Yep. Each ball has a chip in it and can track where your sho - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 13:00:29
                                   No wonder you don't "understand it". - kmawv8 MU - 7/21 12:58:16
                                        yes. all i know is there are big nets like a driving range - SuperTone MU - 7/21 12:59:32
                                             you assumed wrong. - kmawv8 MU - 7/21 13:02:12
                                             The balls are microchipped - TigerNuts KC - 7/21 13:00:57
                                                  thanks. sounds fun.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/21 13:04:32
                              Only between the center poles. - kmawv8 MU - 7/21 12:51:15
     They just opened one here. - Zeaux MWSC - 7/21 12:36:39

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