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One thing I've said many times is the one thing

Posted on: July 20, 2016 at 19:23:16 CT
GA Tiger MU
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26.00 yrs
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he does well is give a speech. I assume a decent IQ. He just misuses it, largely from some character, and professional, weaknesses.
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My sense of the Trump family is that - GA Tiger MU - 7/20 18:31:49
     Gee...They must have had good parenting (nm) - Salty Dog MU - 7/20 20:31:53
          Ignoring for the moment that innate intelligence - GA Tiger MU - 7/20 21:03:55
          Ok. I wasn't questioning his intelligence - GA Tiger MU - 7/20 18:49:04
               RE: Ok. I wasn't questioning his intelligence - MUTGR MU - 7/20 18:50:09
     there is no correlation with speaking ability and - Butcher of Bakersfield STL - 7/20 18:45:27
          You seem very definite, so it must be - GA Tiger MU - 7/20 18:47:50
               Obama is exceptionally articulate. - Evenflow MU - 7/20 18:52:27
                    One thing I've said many times is the one thing - GA Tiger MU - 7/20 19:23:16
                         Yeah, Like being a dedicated Marxist/Communist - Uncle Fester USMC - 7/20 19:28:11
                    IMHO he only comes across as particularly articulate when he - blake1771 KC - 7/20 19:18:29
                    And very clean for a negro - Uncle Fester USMC - 7/20 18:55:22
                         He's half white. nm. - MUTGR MU - 7/20 19:03:10
                              Somebody better tell Joe Biden - Uncle Fester USMC - 7/20 19:04:20
     RE: My sense of the Trump family is that - sarasotatiger MU - 7/20 18:38:20
          Note my clever use of the word "generally".(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 7/20 18:40:20
     Iffin he called for more people on Psych drugs - Uncle Fester USMC - 7/20 18:35:17
          Fes my boy, you might've passed on that a while ago.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 7/20 18:37:24
               Thank God - Uncle Fester USMC - 7/20 18:40:01
                    I'm the sloppiest dresser in town. - GA Tiger MU - 7/20 18:41:14

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