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Found a really good deal on video game I wanted

Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 14:40:54 CT
implode STL
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24.61 yrs
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went to check out, and repeatedly got an error page. So then tried to access customer service, and it also gave me the same error page.

Nah, go for the chinos--they are totally you.
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     The reviews are down. - Evenflow MU - 7/19 14:07:15
          Found a really good deal on video game I wanted - implode STL - 7/19 14:40:54
     Is Ticketmaster working?(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/19 13:54:27
          Well, I already heard that one you ****in' unoriginal - kmawv8 MU - 7/19 13:55:37
               RE: Well, I already heard that one you ****in' unoriginal - TigerwTLP MU - 7/19 13:58:41
                    and then he did movies and they were ok - SabertoothTiger MU - 7/19 14:03:45
               Toll Booth Willie - TigerwTLP MU - 7/19 13:57:38
                    The best. - kmawv8 MU - 7/19 14:10:21
                         haha that's awesome. "that'll be a doll-air twenty five" - TigerwTLP MU - 7/19 14:13:39
                              He's like "put your dukes up" and I'm like - mizzou541 KC - 7/19 14:24:49
                                   One of my favorites as well - kmawv8 MU - 7/19 14:27:46
                                        I didn't know you were gonna button hook me(nm) - mizzou541 KC - 7/19 14:28:08
                    **** you, you ****in' upity *****! I'll ****in' **** you and - SabertoothTiger MU - 7/19 14:01:58
          I bet you could've used a machine to make you post faster(nm) - dangertim MU - 7/19 13:55:16
               I prefer to do it manually(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/19 13:55:59
     Are you expecting a parcel?(nm) - dangertim MU - 7/19 13:54:15
     you can just go through stubhub or ticketmaster (nm) - TigerwTLP MU - 7/19 13:54:11
          Lol (nm) - TheWildcat STL - 7/19 13:54:52

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