That's a rational and appealing position to take; however, I
Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 13:03:29 CT
90Tiger STL
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22.90 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
would ask on what basis, from what frame of reference, you discern what is morally right or wrong - especially in these situations that aren't so clear cut.
I've found that using natural rights and the NAP has allowed me to more objectively view the most complex situations.
I may disagree with pickle (or not) on the M. Brown situation - at some point law enforcement (whether public or private) must engage someone who has violated property or other rights.
My guess is pickle's issue is with the nature of govt law enforcement and not the quibbling over the details of the encounter, but I could be wrong.
I'm fairly well in agreement with him about the state monopoly on law enforcement and the horrendous model employed today universally to "seek out" "offender" of laws which bear no victims; but M. Brown did victimize property and person and needed to be engaged.