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election results = lies lets recount

Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 12:43:04 CT
colonel angus beef KC
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Could not agree with his point more.... - bactgr JC - 7/19 12:15:42
     That dude seemed crazy(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/19 12:32:52
          Well, he did agree to speak at Trump's RNC, so ...(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 7/19 13:07:01
               Well, he's no MIke Brown's mom(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/19 13:14:25
          it was the anthrax vaccine.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/19 12:35:29
               He had a Gary Busey thing going with those crossed eyes(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/19 12:37:07
                    you would too with melania and ivanka in the crowd.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/19 12:39:42
                         That one wife of the Rep from Texas, 1 but 8 kids? wow(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/19 12:41:25
                              Texas or Wisconsin?(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/19 13:01:50
                                   I guess it was Wisky(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/19 13:03:30
                                        what reality show did they meet on 19 years ago? - SuperTone MU - 7/19 13:05:48
     "The only way for any life to matter, we all have to matter, - TigerwTLP MU - 7/19 12:21:29
          i think it kind of telling when a person interprets - gmmm98 MU - 7/19 12:48:31
               i like the idea that its just one guy.... - colonel angus beef KC - 7/19 12:50:28
                    Jimmy Lives Matter, so **** off Steve (nm) - TigerwTLP MU - 7/19 12:52:56
                    steve jackson sounds like a white name, tho - gmmm98 MU - 7/19 12:52:12
                         i just made up that address i have no idea where - colonel angus beef KC - 7/19 12:54:37
     he was really good. Definitely seemed genuine.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/19 12:21:25
     if you rearrange "the morse code" you get "here come dots" - colonel angus beef KC - 7/19 12:18:50
          Or "Erected Ooh Ms" - hawt(nm) - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/19 12:22:12
               mother in law = woman hitler - colonel angus beef KC - 7/19 12:24:13
                    woman hitler = armhole twin(nm) - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/19 12:26:09
                         george bush = he bugs gore - colonel angus beef KC - 7/19 12:27:20
                              Bill Clinton = burning syphilis c#ck(nm) - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/19 12:32:32
                                   election results = lies lets recount - colonel angus beef KC - 7/19 12:43:04

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