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I have a point

Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 12:41:10 CT
catbirdseat MU
Member For:
12.82 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I will agree to that.

"Led by some of the nation's most anti-gay politicians and even the head of an anti-gay hate group, Republicans late Tuesday voted on and passed the final draft of the GOP 2016 platform. The Log Cabin Republicans issued a fundraising email immediately, shocked, apparently, telling supporters, “moments ago, the Republican Party passed the most anti-LGBT Platform in the Party’s 162-year history.”

“Opposition to marriage equality, nonsense about bathrooms, an endorsement of the debunked psychological practice of “pray the gay away” — it’s all in there,” the email reads, as the Miami Herald's Steve Rothaus reports.

“This isn’t my GOP, and I know it’s not yours either,” wrote Log Cabin President Gregory T. Angelo. “Heck, it’s not even Donald Trump’s!,” he claims, although that's debatable.

“When given a chance to follow the lead of our presumptive presidential nominee and reach out to the LGBT community in the wake of the awful terrorist massacre in Orlando on the gay nightclub Pulse, the Platform Committee said NO.”

As NCRM has been reporting all week, along with passing an amendment calling for an unconstitutional "religious freedom" bill, the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) to become law, the GOP platform committee passed a plank that effectively says children raised in a "traditional" family are better off than children raised by same-sex parents or single parents.

Republicans voted for amendments that call for to the Bible being taught in schools and voted for transgender people to use the restroom of the gender they were assigned at birth. They also voted to keep a call for a ban on same-sex marriage in their 2016 national platform, voted to support anti-LGBT conversion therapy, and voted to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, only. "

"That’s the problem for the Republican Party, because they’ve reached a point where they need to…dissolve the base and elect a new one, and they can’t. The problem is the base. They’ve been cranking up, gathering together every rube, racist, nutjob, sexist, homophobe in the country, calling them Republicans, and finally, they voted for one of their own.”
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Queen - catbirdseat MU - 7/19 11:59:06
     How is that party homophobic? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/19 12:26:58
          can we just admit that no matter what either of you posts - ajpe53 MU - 7/19 12:36:11
               I have a point - catbirdseat MU - 7/19 12:41:10
                    so you think the 40% of kids born outside a tradition have - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/19 13:06:26
                    I am against gay marriage - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/19 12:43:28
               I agree with much of what people say against my positions - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/19 12:37:36
                    i would think that depends on someone's definition of - ajpe53 MU - 7/19 12:53:08
                         My faith being centered on Biblical teachings - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/19 13:06:26
                              So your imaginary friend told you to think that way. - catbirdseat MU - 7/19 13:18:18
                                   You can certainly believe that - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/19 13:26:40
                              religious reasons I understand so long as they are - ajpe53 MU - 7/19 13:08:33
                                   I try to be - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/19 13:09:52
                                        i understand(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 7/19 13:10:51
     maybe your perception is wrong(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/19 12:05:35
          I don't believe I could be that wrong - catbirdseat MU - 7/19 12:24:12
     yet that party continues to gain homosexual voters... - Star Warrior STL - 7/19 12:02:48
     i thought that was strange since huckabee just got popped - colonel angus beef KC - 7/19 12:02:28
          $25000 was his bill.(nm) - catbirdseat MU - 7/19 12:04:20

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