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The speakers last night were not very good imo. But the Rs

Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 12:08:31 CT
hokie VT
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9.33 yrs
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used real people whose family members were innocents killed by illegals or who were patriots and soldiers who were killed due to political expedience by the neglect and callousness of the marxist and the uterus.

The Ds will manufacture heroes the same way the manufactured victims. There will be nothing real about the vermin the Ds send to the podium at the dnc.

The media will fawn over them and Rs will hold their fire because they are grieving mothers, mourning the loss of their precious son.

One is real, one is not.
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     All those folks were a bunch of goofballs. - Evenflow MU - 7/19 11:57:11
          Wait for brilliance from the mothers of - hokie VT - 7/19 12:03:00
               I don't disagree but neither side represents anything good (nm) - Hbombtiger STL - 7/19 12:03:56
                    The speakers last night were not very good imo. But the Rs - hokie VT - 7/19 12:08:31
                         If you want to go after Clinton for Benghazi, then go after - Hbombtiger STL - 7/19 12:09:50
                              this is a terrible response by u and u should b - yy4u MU - 7/19 12:25:56
                              What did W do that was remotely similar to bengazhi? - hokie VT - 7/19 12:20:38
                                   Well he concocted a "war" in Iraq, based upon a weapons - Evenflow MU - 7/19 12:23:33
                                        Geeech. W did that, by himself, why? When you - hokie VT - 7/19 12:30:55
          "This is a war, and BLM is the enemy" is not good - Hbombtiger STL - 7/19 12:00:31
               BLM is the enemy - Uncle Fester USMC - 7/19 12:05:07
               I agree, but BLM is an enemy of liberty. - Evenflow MU - 7/19 12:04:57
                    A minority of the group's goal is that. (nm) - Hbombtiger STL - 7/19 12:06:39
                         Um, no. - Evenflow MU - 7/19 12:09:05
               Do you defend their right to block interstates and threaten - hokie VT - 7/19 12:03:54
                    I actually do defend their right to block interstates - Hbombtiger STL - 7/19 12:05:59
                         Is anyone allowed to block any interstate at any time? - hokie VT - 7/19 12:33:16
                         yeah. blocking a hwy is gonna fix it einstein? - yy4u MU - 7/19 12:16:23
                              It got your attention didn't it? (nm) - Hbombtiger STL - 7/19 12:19:34

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