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My opinion: BLM is a benign phrase made malignant by

Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 10:40:03 CT
hokie VT
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8.66 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
racist thugs who want to divide the races...and get paid for it.

Black lives matter. OK, that's true and not at all racist in its general meaning. The statement does not say that white lives don't matter or blue lives don't, or anything else. It is a statement by those who believed they are aggrieved victims of an unfair society saying, "Hey, we're here too."

But then once the thugs get hold of a relatively innocuous phrase, they turn it to a cancer by their actions. Instead of, "Hey, we're here too," we now have "You can't drive on this interstate. You can't vote for donald trump. You can't be on the side of police, ever. We may have to beat you if you attempt any of the above."

The butt heads have perverted and distorted the meaning to be in effect, "We will show that black lives mean as much as white or blue ones. We will do so by ending white and blue lives, to show how we have been mistreated."

Huh? Oh yeah, right.

The entire BLM premise is a myth, begun in ferguson, perpetuated by the media and encouraged by our president. Cops don't hunt unarmed black youth. Despite what their mothers say.

But the truth is not as important as the cause.

Demagogues use the deaths of black thugs to raise black victim status even higher. And excuse rioting, looting and murder.

Some will profit from this, like crazy al sharpton. Some will gain power like the radical left, and some will just revel in the fundamental transformation of america, into a third world toilet that can be ruled by a firm and all powerful hand of government.

Black lives matter, the slogan and its original meaning are fair and fine thoughts.
Black lives matter, the organization has taken a fair and fine thought and degraded it to mean racism, division and mayhem.
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My opinion: BLM is a benign phrase made malignant by - hokie VT - 7/19 10:40:03
     When they stand out in the highway - El-ahrairah STL - 7/19 11:05:32
          Maybe they should be arrested. Ya think? nm - hokie VT - 7/19 11:24:38
     Hands Up, Dont Shoot was and is a lie. The party of lies - hefeweizen MU - 7/19 11:01:15

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