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We prevented 'Bama from winning the national title in '75...

Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 06:23:44 CT
Deputy Dawg MU
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20.78 yrs
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and USC from winning it in '76, as their losses to us were their only losses those years. In other words, both teams would have gone undefeated if not for the upset kings of college football.
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Guess the game - tman KC - 7/18 18:23:18
     Michigan - hoosierdaddy MU - 7/19 09:25:38
     That used to be hanging in Harpo's(nm) - quicksand MU - 7/18 21:07:29
     Opening game of '75 season versus 'Bama - Deputy Dawg MU - 7/18 20:03:22
          Kieth Morrissey @ DT had an unbeleivable game - mu7176grad MU - 7/19 07:55:50
          We prevented 'Bama from winning the national title in '75... - Deputy Dawg MU - 7/19 06:23:44
          RE: Opening game of '75 season versus 'Bama - CPA MU - 7/18 22:36:02
          you are correct. In Birmingham - tman KC - 7/18 20:45:41
     RE: Guess the game - Grizzly999 MU - 7/18 19:41:10
     Monday Night Football, 1975 MU 20, Bama 7 (nm) - RootKnocknee MU - 7/18 18:57:45
          RE: Monday Night Football, 1975 MU 20, Bama 7 (nm) - CPA MU - 7/18 19:07:39
               I think Morissey only weighed about 235 (nm) - RootKnocknee MU - 7/18 19:36:01
     Fulton - Richmond - pfann4mizzou MU - 7/18 18:37:11
     Missouri - Alabama (nm) - samclemens MU - 7/18 18:29:04
          what year and score?(nm) - tman KC - 7/18 18:42:58
               1975: MU 20 - Alabama 7 - samclemens MU - 7/18 21:45:40

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