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kinda weird how much you make already came into the

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 23:02:51 CT
TigerwTLP MU
Member For:
15.93 yrs
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last long term gf made about double me, but conversation came up because we lived together.

since then, i'm pretty sure i made more, but it never came up, and was never any kind of issue.

if she's asking, red flag.
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On line dating woman wants me - smoke STL - 7/18 22:25:27
     be sure to put pictures on the line (nm) - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/19 08:52:05
     Let yourself be a kept man. She'll like that and then dump - motleyzou MU - 7/19 08:03:24
     Sounds like a good catch, there are some woman who don't - mattieo86 MU - 7/19 04:08:50
          The good ol DENNIS system(nm) - markymarksthirdnipple STL - 7/19 06:52:14
     oh, shoe's on the other foot eh?(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/19 00:29:00
     RE: On line dating woman wants me - o'lineydisciple MU - 7/18 23:01:55
          Meets my standards, and others I'm sure, but - smoke STL - 7/18 23:04:37
     Give her the old Bill Cosby game (nm) - Cosmo MU - 7/18 22:54:13
          Bill Cosby: Rhonda Rousey got knocked out? - Bobk MU - 7/19 09:09:42
          Roofies!! That's the ticket. (nm) - HandBanana MU - 7/19 01:02:55
          become an older wealthy dude? c'mon, man... he already - TigerwTLP MU - 7/18 23:05:21
               RE: become an older wealthy dude? c'mon, man... he already - Cosmo MU - 7/18 23:08:00
                    your pic/gif game has vastly improved over the last - TigerwTLP MU - 7/18 23:12:56
                         I aspire to to be the best TLP - Cosmo MU - 7/18 23:18:33
                              obscure marijuana danger commercial reference? - TigerwTLP MU - 7/18 23:24:55
                                   Running behind on your TPS reports? - Cosmo MU - 7/18 23:30:56
                                        i wish. new regulations with how freight is transported - TigerwTLP MU - 7/18 23:42:43
     Look around you at all the goofballs who have - Evenflow MU - 7/18 22:43:47
          Biggest factor is $$$$$$$ - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 22:55:42
               if you're looking for skank whores, absolutely (nm) - TigerwTLP MU - 7/18 23:04:05
                    Great point, TLP. - Evenflow MU - 7/18 23:43:01
                         "have it and you're all set" was what i responded to - TigerwTLP MU - 7/18 23:46:24
                              Maybe I've become jaded with age. - Evenflow MU - 7/18 23:49:06
          This (nm) - TigerNuts KC - 7/18 22:50:17
     unless she seems like the type that would hold that against - TigerwTLP MU - 7/18 22:34:22
          RE: unless she seems like the type that would hold that against - smoke STL - 7/18 23:00:43
               How long ago was that? - zodiac6 JC - 7/18 23:38:27
               kinda weird how much you make already came into the - TigerwTLP MU - 7/18 23:02:51
                    RE: kinda weird how much you make already came into the - smoke STL - 7/18 23:07:23
                         'in her info statement' haha if that's your bag, by all - TigerwTLP MU - 7/18 23:12:12
                              But hey, - smoke STL - 7/18 23:19:00
                              RE: 'in her info statement' haha if that's your bag, by all - smoke STL - 7/18 23:16:41
                    Totally agree (nm) - Cosmo MU - 7/18 23:03:53
     Tell her you'd be happy to be a kept man(nm) - Zamboni STL - 7/18 22:32:44
     If the screen name is "implode" - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 22:27:33
          Or if diamond dave - MU_gz MU - 7/18 22:34:40
               I'm giving your wife the password to "Fun File" - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 22:48:34

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