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Some great comments there...

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 17:12:32 CT
Bobk MU
Member For:
25.24 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
(from a year ago) Stoops reiterated his desire to give second chances while also expressing a staunch belief that violence “should not be tolerated.”
Who knew his area of expertise was quantum physics?

I always roll my eyes when coaches talk about “second chances.” I wish they would just say: “I’m being paid millions to win games, morals are for last place teams.”

As an attorney I’m a risk averse person. I would advise a client asking in this situation to not have him on the football team. Punishment is for the criminal courts.
I was simply pointing out that Stoops needs to excise the “violence will not be tolerated” portion of the quote above because it obviously will be tolerated in favor of second chances, especially at skill positions (see also: Dorial Green-Beckham)

But i always hear about how ads and coaches have daughters! And that they would never expose women to harm! Oh wait, this is reality.

God help us if a school’s coach or AD is ever wife- or daughter-less, who knows how low an athlete could sink without being dismissed. “Ted Bundy deserves a second chance, plus we are REALLY thin at the tight end position”

We all have moms! Everyone loves their mother! Thats why nobody who really really really loves their mom has ever done anything objectionable

The thing about Ted....really great hands, can’t really replace a guy like that.

Edited by Bobk at 17:13:42 on 07/18/16
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Mixon needs football in his life - McRib MU - 7/18 12:35:07
     Some great comments there... - Bobk MU - 7/18 17:12:32
     like lawrence phillips(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/18 12:38:37
          Pretty sure that's what he meant ... (nm) - Cliffcat MU - 7/18 13:46:07

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