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I hear you, hugs from strangers are weird

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 15:24:42 CT
kcmizzou99 MU
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20.74 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Too many questions, where do you put your hands, how long do you hold the hug, do you squeeze the hug?
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Free Hugs guy - SEC_BIG_GAMEHUNTER MU - 7/18 15:07:49
     I do not like hugs, I would tell him to go away(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/18 15:11:39
          You're basically a female TheShoe at this point (nm) - Cosmo MU - 7/18 15:38:18
               I'm really not so miserable and mean in real life - tigersknowbest MU - 7/18 15:41:13
          So basically 100% doggy style? (nm) - Evenflow MU - 7/18 15:27:25
          I hear you, hugs from strangers are weird - kcmizzou99 MU - 7/18 15:24:42
               She wants a hug - McRib MU - 7/18 15:31:29
                    i can always make exceptions.(nm) - kcmizzou99 MU - 7/18 15:38:44
               just wave and tell me hi, that is plenty(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/18 15:26:59
          IntimacyIssues.com (nm) - smoke STL - 7/18 15:21:45
               ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/18 15:26:35
          #coldhearted#prayforastro(nm) - SEC_BIG_GAMEHUNTER MU - 7/18 15:18:41
          RE: I do not like hugs, I would tell him to go away(nm) - TigerwTLP MU - 7/18 15:16:55
               RE: I do not like hugs, I would tell him to go away(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/18 15:26:06
          RE: I do not like hugs, I would tell him to go away(nm) - cnk ATL - 7/18 15:14:37
          Typical. Poor Astro - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 15:12:48
               Astro does not count(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/18 15:13:36
                    The hell he doesn't - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/18 15:17:41
                    Poor little Astro - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 15:13:52

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