What I do is attack relentless tiresome claims as being that
Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 15:15:13 CT
raskolnikov MU
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24.32 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Aside for the Clintons' collective Pro Business corporate whoring (a decision they made to pursue that course for the party in the early '90s) I don't see that much terrible about them.
Are they self-serving. Yeah, most humans are.
Have they learned to play the game fast and loose. Sure looks that way.
You see any better options? I don't. Bradley was the last option we had for a great and honest president and the Dems tossed him.
So we got what we got. As soon as the GOP can bring someone better than Trump/Cruz/Rubio/Romney/McCain/Palin to the table, they will have a shot. Too bad Rand Paul didn't stick around. I might have gone with him