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radio guys today were talking about getting Ervin Santana

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 14:23:34 CT
Joeboo MU
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20.50 yrs
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again from the Twins.

HE probably wouldn't cost much, assuming the Twins are willing to trade him to a division opponent, and he has like 3 years left of his contract for reasonable money (like $14m per)

I'd be ok with that
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Dayton reads tigerboard - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/18 14:17:19
     radio guys today were talking about getting Ervin Santana - Joeboo MU - 7/18 14:23:34
          he was a beast here his first time around - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/18 14:29:50
          why don't pitchers flock to KC? - SuperTone MU - 7/18 14:25:17
               I think it is more the Royals not looking to spend on - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/18 14:35:13
                    If you aren't demanding top market value, why not take - SuperTone MU - 7/18 14:36:17
                         I agree but I have a hunch the difference what we would - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/18 14:40:34
                              yes, after pitching in KC. That is the point. - SuperTone MU - 7/18 14:45:13
               Not sure, and even though I love KC and have lived - Joeboo MU - 7/18 14:33:21
                    so go to KC so you can get that phat contract. - SuperTone MU - 7/18 14:33:56

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