Imperialism? How many nations have we conquered in our
Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 13:18:36 CT
hokie VT
Member For:
9.23 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
230 years?
How has the american empire expanded?
When bush 41 went into kuwait, did we annex kuwait and take their oil.
Please provide a single example of reckless american imperialism. You obviously form your opinions from suburu bumper stickers and the huffington post.
Your opinion of it will not change. Ever. Facts won't matter. History won't matter. Logic and common sense won't matter. Certainly patriotism and love of country won't matter.
Only what you read on the bumper of a suburu.
And that is a shame.
Edited by hokie at 13:40:17 on 07/18/16